Evidence and hypothosis

Feb 14, 2011 15:14

Fact: TV was turned off yesterday before going to bed.
Fact: TV was on and in screen saver mode this morning
Fact: My toddler has learned how to get out of bed and open his bedroom door, resulting in several late night annoyances.
Fact: The TV is hooked up to a flaky computer.
Fact: My son can operate the remote to turn it on but can't reach the keyboard to do anything else.

Possible: I think I heard someone with stocking feet wandering the house last night at about 2am. Because they didn't come into my room or make noise, I did not investigate because I was too warm and cozy under my covers.

What turned on my TV last night?

Scenario 1: Ghosts
Scenario 2: The dogs
Scenario 3: Zombies
Scenario 4: My toddler with the Scooby Doo obsession.

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