(no subject)

Sep 21, 2006 15:54

Usually at work I am in one of two states... productive, where I actually get some work done (about 20% of the time)... or mangled broken... this latter state leads me to discover all sorts of things I never knew before like:

- I can type with my nose
- Throwing soft squishy balls at colleagues can provide hours of entertainment
- Hackysack is always an opportunity for hilarity
- Eating cereal at 3pm is delicious
- Pretending to speak German to annoy colleagues means I say 'ish' like a thousand different strange ways...

Right now my head hurts. I've also decided I'm sick of my crazy mop of semi-straight ginger hair and am thinking of lopping it all off... or well most of it... so I don't look too much like a criminal I guess.

My iPod is going to die I think... it's on it's last legs. It keeps making this sad iPod face thing when I turn it on, and I swear it sounds like it is crying if I put my ear up really close to it. I read the Apple FAQ about it, and it reckons it needs a service. Unfortunately my pod is out of warranty and this means it will cost approx $360 big ones for a service... this makes me think no no no... I hate you Apple :\
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