Yahootinis? God really...?

Jun 07, 2006 15:19

I always find it interesting / frustrating when people make assumptions about my core personality, or what I intend / do. Sure there is always something valid about appearance, and appearance can be truth as well at times. I would tend to agree that the surface reflects truth in me most of the time. Some people say that people don't really change though... and I tend to disagree with this statement. I think what they mean is that any habits picked up along the way are hard to break, and generally aren't broken by people as time progresses. However, habits are breakable given enough time, knowledge of the habit / behavior and willpower.
Regardless, people tend to assume that these traits are static in a person... it helps with their worldview and adds to some degrees of consistency in their lives. I guess I'm more surprised by the fact that people think that I am the same exact person I was 2 years ago, 5 years ago, whatever...

On a more interesting note... the following sites I have discovered never fail to keep me occupied in the duller moments ov my working day: - who loves Perez? Well I don't anymore after hearing Paris's new song and wanting to gouge my eardrums out... - is something a little more tasteful and occasionally Indie in content... thank god for stereogum
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