Oct 07, 2004 18:45
So rumors have been flying about my defending skills in CoH and i am PISSED OFF!
First of all, i have a dark defender: this means I only have ONE healing move. If that move misses, I have to wait for it to recharge before I can heal agian. I realize this one move is better than any of your moves combined (read 104 hp!!)- but when I'm lvl 20 and I'm fighting 26s, IT'S GOING TO MISS. So stop yer crying- I'm not a healer... I'm a dark defender. I debuff enemy. So don't spread rumors about how much I suck (Jordan, Dan, Jason, and Matt) when in actuality it is you guys doing the ultimate sucking!
PS- I'm really just pissed off about you guys saying this shit about me behind my back... on your nerd forums and what not. Now, I realize that you guys are really just gonna make fun of me... but this time you'll actually do it to my face. Bring it.