The internet fandom tells me that today is 100 days until the release of Return of the Thief (assuming all is well with ARC's and the release), so I figured this was as good a time as any to finally get the little #where'seugenides idea off the ground. I've been putting it off a little because I 'd hoped to come up with some brilliant participant's prize (like maybe a commissioned art piece?) that I ultimately couldn't figure out the logistics of, and because right when I thought of starting it, everyone started spending way more time at home and I was waiting to see if things would ease enough we might get some outdoors or travel pictures as well as at home.
In any case, without overthinking any longer, this is what I've got:
I thought it would be one simple and fun way to anticipate and celebrate the final book of a 24 year fandom by showcasing how far the series has reached via photo submissions. If you want to participate, take pictures of Queen's Thief books in the wilds to which they've been released after purchase--whether that's in a backpack while at school, at home in a cozy corner, on a hike when you read dramatically in mountains like those of Eddis, or even if you took your copy on a wild vacation (like to your backyard or on the subway right now?)-- and post them on whatever social media account you feel comfortable using the tag #whereseugenides (or where'seugenides if you prefer and the platform allows it).
Since people are unlikely to travel a lot in the next few months, I figure we can maybe award bonus points for different categories like maybe The Costis (furthest traveled), The Phresine (coziest at home), or the "I love stupid plans" for the most creative entry or something along those lines. If we get enough submissions, ninedaysaqueen suggested creating a collage for participants. If you're okay with your photo being used in said collage, tag whataliethatwas here, on Tumblr, or on Instagram (which I will try to check more regularly than never:)).
I am totally fine with multiple submissions per person, like one per book as you reread if that sounds fun, pictures from the past of your books or anything you think shows how far Eugenides has traveled since The Thief was published, or even just a copy of something like this you can take with you without lugging around full books (,630_.jpg).
I'll probably stop taking official submissions a week or two before RoT is out so I can make a collage if desired for participants who can feel warm and fuzzy and promptly forget about them once they finally get their copy and start reading.
I'm open to any suggestions or improvements, and will award major bonus points to anyone who can summarize this way more succinctly than I seem able to tonight. Link to the original discussion if this is confusing and hearing someone else talk about it will clarify.