Hey, I'm getting used to this stupid Update Journal page finally.

Jan 03, 2007 02:11

Isn't that just riveting? /snark.

Sad thing? I'm really only posting this usless "Update" so I can use my new icon. Hmmmmmmmm, crap. Apologies to those for whom it will be a spoiler of sorts.

I couldn't help it. I keep staring at it. (insert keyboard smash here)

Oh, and to add to the pointless?

Dear Anderson,
Please wear the lavender tie every day. Every. Day.

(apologies ptII: sorry to y'all f-listers who don't care about Torchwood OR Anderson Cooper.)

Maybe I should toss in a House reference to get a Holy Trinity sort of thing going?
9th January. It is coming, people.

Oh, Fox, why must you torure us? Why?
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