Jan 29, 2005 02:44
So, I thought I'd shock everyone that still checks their friends page and post something. I kind of forgot that livejournal existed, but Kyle reminded me. So blame him if this is terribly boring. Today was my first day at work since my promotion, and it went suprisingly smooth. I'm basically the waitress' backup, and I do all of their bitch work. haha. Sad that it's a promotion, I know, but it pays so much better than making salad and bread, which was a worse job in everyway. I don't really know what to say when I go to people's tables though, so I usually just set shit down and sometimes announce what it is, and then say "no problem" when they thank me and walk away. haha, I'm not meant to wait tables. What a bummber. That was totally going to be my career choice. But, I worked from 5-10pm and I got $50 non-taxed cash, and then the waiters gave me some tips so...I did pretty well. I'm only going to have to stay 'til about 9 usually, also. So, that will be $50 for only 4 hours work, plus tips. Which is totally awesome for me, who is used to busting my ass for 6.50 and then having taxes come out of it. haha, lame. Hm...so, after work on Sunday, I'm driving to St. Augustine, and Kyle and I are driving up to North Carolina to get his car inspected, and hopefully I'll get to meet his parents. I say hopefully, when in reality I'm totally scared and I'm probably going to vommit on myself because of nerves, or just pass out or something. I'm totally prepared to make a terrible impression. Maybe if I go expecting the worst, and they only mildly dislike me, I'll be over-joyed. Um..I'm just rambling. I feel like I'm just typing to type, so I'll wrap this up. Anita didn't call me back tonight, so I spent the night watching retarded videos at my friend liz's house until almost 2am. And I miss my fiance, and my sister, and I'm tired, so goodnight.