Food Officially Defended

Sep 14, 2008 13:46

I just finished reading "In Defense Of Food" by Michael Pollan, my favorite writer. The book
has renewed my determination to eat more fresh, local food and stop eating anything that
comes in a package. To help keep up my motivation, I am going to start logging my more
successful meals. Here's what I've eaten so far this weekend:

Saturday Breakfast:
Locally made lemon/basil popsicle*
Bruschetta with creme fraiche*, heirloom tomatoes*, garlic and olive oil on slices of a French
style baguette*

Saturday Snacks:
Veggie dip with sour cream*, fresh dill*, and salt
Carrot* and lemon cucumber* slices
Chocolate bread* with marscapone* and a sauce I made with fresh raspberries*
Pesto cheese curds*

Saturday Dinner:
Spiral Pasta with Chanterelles* cooked with butter* and olive oil

Sunday Breakfast:
Eggs with goat cheese*
Pancakes with marscapone* and homemade raspberry*/blackberry* syrup

* All locally made/grown with no pesticides.

I feel really good about our meals this weekend, because not only were they much healthier
than our usual fair, but also because they had a smaller impact on the environment and
supported local farmers and dairies. It is my goal to eat this way 90% of the time. Unfortunately,
I hate cooking for just myself, so I don't know what I will do in San Francisco. Maybe you all
will have to take turns eating my cooking.

sustainable, cooking, organic, food, local, food log

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