Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Title: The Weapon
Author: Em
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~110
Characters: Raph, Leo, Karai
Summary: Raph sees Karai for what she is.
Notes: TMNT, I still love you.
The Weapon
Tch. Leo stared at her through the whole fight, like she was a damn angel or something. But Raph saw Karai for what she was: a tool for the Foot, a human weapon tempered by false promises of honor and loyalty. She was no better than Raph, maybe no worse, but definitely no better.
And yet Leo bowed to her, flicking his eyes down, the fool.
A smile ghosted her face, her eyes shining. "Until we meet again," she said.
Leo actually blushed, and Raph gripped white knuckles around his sai. She was a weapon like Raph, built to kill, but against Leo she was much more dangerous.
~Comments and feedback encourage me returning home to play more often.