ok so i returned home yesterday from an amazing weekend in new orleans with my sis vince. i had such a great time. i love his friends. i love the city. i love his school. i love hand grenades. i love the bars and clubs . i loved everything. everyone needs to go. Bourbon street was so much fun. the daquiri shop. diva 92.3 everyone lost their voices from fighting with strangers and Tulane bitches. i cant wait to go back next semester.
Sis i threw up
Our BBq featuring the burnt pigeon
Me and Dave pregaming Love Him!!!
love those hats
"Here i am in New Orleans"
My Sis Vince
Brad:"The bitch Has it"
Vince & Brad the diva mourning
"calm yourself corn" "i gotta meet people" (paris)
love him!!!
come talk to your sis
Bocelli "Turn Around"
our romantic sunday brunch as a family
the daquiri shop before the antis
katelyn the seducer never paid for her drinks lol
more pics soon
thanks for a great weekend sis