Immmaa have fun here.

Nov 07, 2005 22:34

11:44 and I'm zoning out.
I can't even sleep and I want a frackin' ciggarette.
So,timeline! just for fun?

okay go!

When I looked good in green

When I thought Ryan was a wonderful name.

When I couldn't get away from matching hair accessories

When preppy met surfer chick and Hannah met hollister.

When I was insane and loved legwarmers.

When I loved thrifting and bought that necklace for fifty cents

When I discovered my love of lipgloss

When I was a mushroom head.

When alot & robert became my best friend and shopped at Armani.

When Adam and I sang to eachother

When I worked at buffalo exchange

When I took my brother to the movies and we played DDR & I helped him ditch school

When I loved stars

When cutting your own hair was trendy

When I decided not to match

When I was kidding myself

When I loved me some jovan

When I wore crazy makeup

When SARA was my favorite & I crushed on her brother

When brady made me beautiful

When I had a big butt

When Working at a wedding chapel sucked hardcore.

When a guys sweater made me feel like I belonged.

When my legs where muscle

When we discovered love was real

When he asked me to move in

When Me and my best friend got drunk

When he grabbed my face and told me he was in love with me

When I told him he's damn sexy

When they play DOTA

When long hair is pretty

When I look like my brother

When the lighting in these pictures blow

When I'm leaning on some fabric thingy

When those are my favorite pair of jeans

When blondes had more fun

When I turned 19 and Del was my birthday princess

When I had nothing to do

When I groped robert on accident

When old guys from olive garden flirted with us

When my family is perfect.

When I loved my digital camera

When starving myself &food poisining made me sick
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