Fic: Des Vignettes [5/9]

Nov 03, 2011 22:32

Title: Des Vignettes
Author: salientia
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter; R for the whole fic
Characters & Pairings: England/France, America; mentions of Japan, Russia and Spain. In this chapter, some France -> America and references to past France/Spain
Warnings: In this chapter, language and sexual references. In the whole fic, language, sex, and some blood.
Notes: De-anon from the kink meme; originally written for this prompt. Cleaned up and slightly altered since the original version. Fake cut. Cross-posted to hetalia.
Summary: 1904, 2004, and a few moments in between. In which France and England talk, fight, kiss and confound their way towards some form of progress.

( How wonderful, his mind says sardonically, even my own thoughts sound like England now. )

entente cordiale, fic

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