Accent & other typing help for French

Oct 08, 2010 18:26

Okay, inspired by problems many non-French people here seem to have, I'm here to help!

So, I actually went through Wikipedia looking for codes that everyone can use (at least on html-based sites) whatever their keyboard happens to look like.

Firstly: In the case of all of these codes: Remove the spaces! The & and ; should not be separated from the main code text.

1: Çç or C-cedilla

& Ccedil ; -> Ç
& ccedil ; -> ç

"Ça va?"

Pronounced like an s.

2: Éé or E-acute

& Eacute ; -> É
& eacute ; -> é


Pronounced something like "eh" (close e).

3: Èè or E-grave

& Egrave ; -> È
& egrave ; -> è


Pronounced like e in "bed" (open e).

4: Àà or A-grave [NOTE: French only has a-grave, so no a-acute.]

& Agrave ; -> À
& agrave ; -> à

"à la"
"déjà vu" [see how the e has an acute accent while the a has a grave accent]

Pronounced like a in "father".

5: Ëë or E-umlaut

& Euml ; -> Ë
& euml ; -> ë


Pronounced like è. (Or like e in "bed".)

6: Ïï or I-umlaut [This is a pretty rare one but you occasionally see it... at least in names and such]

& Iuml ; -> Ï
& iuml ; -> ï

"Loïc" (a name)

Pronounced like ee in "see".

7: Circumflex (âêîôû) [Actually I don't remember ever seeing û in French but I'm putting it there along with the others.]

& acirc ; -> â
& ecirc ; -> ê
& icirc ; -> î
& ocirc ; -> ô
& ucirc ; -> û

"s'il vous/te plaît"

Hope this helped someone. =3=b And hope I didn't mess anything up...


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