Title: [APH] France
Creator: Me,
leriacossatoCharacter(s)/Pairing(s): France, England, Seychelles, Canada, America, Germany, Spain, Prussia, China, Russia, FrancexEngland, FrancexCanada, FrancexAmerica, FrancexSpain, FrancexPrussia, FrancexGermany, FrancexSeychelles
Song: 'Allez, Ola, Olé' by Jessy Matador
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Tons of pairings, pervy France, France in a dress...
Summary: Video made for Bastille Day, commonly referred to as Francis' birthday. Bonne anniversaire~!
NEXT UP: Poland~
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what_the_fruk ,
francexspain ,
veilleamour ,
thatwinebastard ,
eurotalia ,
a_moveablefeast ,
maplesandroses , and about everywhere else in the universe that accepts France. Sorry for this massive spam :X