Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me

Aug 07, 2005 23:53

So Thursday was the big (that's sarcasm in case you didn't catch it) 2 months and originally Chris had a basketball game to play...that is until he got a technical during the game on Tuesday which forced him to miss this game (it's some league rule so people dont get out of hand). So thank you Mr. Ref. for issuing the T.

First we stopped my Walmart to pick up some new frisbees. These new ones we got came with DVDs and everything. They're pretty badass for only $3.50. Then we headed to our park right down the street and hung out there for an hour or two in the blistering heat. We were making some mad crazy behind the back catches.

Next he took me to dinner at California Dreaming. Chris' dad and his girlfriend joined us (aka invited themselves and showed up) but we I didn't mind at all. Especially because his dad paid for everything. We had a nice time and I ate some killer shrimp.

Following dinner was a round of putt-putt at the classic Pirate's Cove. I was so kicking some ass until that hole #9. DAMN YOU HOLE 9!!! We get around to the 18th and I'm behind by 4 strokes. Chris said that if I get a hole in one, I'll be declared the winner. And of course, I sank that bitch. So it ended up being 53-48 or something like that.

Then we went to my house and vegged out on the couch for a while. Oh yeah, he got me 2...not 1, but 2 cards. They were so cute. One of them was sweet and the other was kinda funny. I almost cried too, but that's no surprise. AND, he opened his car door for me all day. It must be love cause when's the last time a guy ever did that.

It was such a wonderful day. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky. <3

So its 11:50pm and I have to be up in five and a half hours to make it to CHHS by 6:30AM. I'm gonna be dead tomorrow. No bueno. I also have nothing to wear because if I wear a skirt, it has to be to my knees and I can't show ANY cleavage. No flipflops either. This is gonna be tough.

P.S. Congrats to my bestest friend, Jonny A, for getting the hell out of Emory. I'm so glad he's doing so well. You better rock that PSP every day.

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