A lil Survey For you guys for me!

Apr 27, 2005 12:06

Made by ME!!! (very bored)

1.what is my birthdate?
2.what is my favorite color?
3.who is my favorite band(tricky one)?
4.name one of my biggest fears?
5.name one of my fav. shows?
6.what is one thing i cannot stand?! (like it can be an object, people,etc.)
7. If i can take anyones style who would it be?
8. who is my idol? who do i look up to?
9.if we were hangin out, what would we be doing?
10. what do i wanna do with my life?
11. anything else that you want to say?

ITLNCHK77: dude i took a nap and had a dream about you
ITLNCHK77: it was me and my sister jennifer
ITLNCHK77: and u
GrlSGoalie: what?!
GrlSGoalie: awww
ITLNCHK77: and we went to knotts berry farm.. like a brand new one they built
ITLNCHK77: and there was a family guy ride
GrlSGoalie: LOL
GrlSGoalie: WHAT!?!!?
ITLNCHK77: and you wanted to get on that shit sooo bad
GrlSGoalie: lol
ITLNCHK77: and right as we walked up they said were shutting it down for anhour
ITLNCHK77: and then they walked away so i ran in and turned it on myself
ITLNCHK77: and then we got on and then at the end of the ride, they were waiting for us
GrlSGoalie: uh oh!
ITLNCHK77: and we fuckin boned out and then the song signs by snoop dogg and jt was playing and we were looking back laughing because it was 2 big fat black guys and they couldnt catch us
GrlSGoalie: LMAO!!!
GrlSGoalie: hahaha omg thas hilarious!!!!!
ITLNCHK77: it was funny.. and we were laughing so hard.. i like woke up laughing
GrlSGoalie: haha omg!~!! thats soo funny! waking up laughin!
GrlSGoalie: ive never done that
ITLNCHK77: lol it was tight.. and i was like thank god i met ashlee
GrlSGoalie: idont get it.. u met me in ur dream?
ITLNCHK77: no no cuz if i didnt know u i wouldnt have had such a bomb dream
GrlSGoalie: LOL!
GrlSGoalie: was jen runnin with us too?
ITLNCHK77: no dude.. she was gone half way through the ride lol.. she must have taken an emergency exit lol!!
GrlSGoalie: LOL!!
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