To be awake is to be alive

Nov 22, 2006 15:05

It is fascinating how in just a couple short months, something as insignificant as beginning college has completely altered my life as I once knew it.
I love life here, for the most part. It's not perfect, but I will proudly admit that life is good. I feel so fortunate this year.
I really don't have any truly important problems. I don't really get along with my roommate, unless I'm on adderol, and then the conversations just flow without any regard to former dislike for one another. Our inability to get along isn't entirely my fault, but I will admit to some fault for it. I am simply not used to sharing my personal space. I have never had to share a room before. And I am a bit of a control freak as far as my personal living space is concerned, so to have another person able to come into my room, which happens to be just as much her room, is a very difficult transition to become accustomed to. I suppose things could be worse between us. School is expectedly difficult, but I have only had a couple of occasions where I have just felt irrevocably overwhelmed, and I mainly solved these by putting off what was stressing me most. My teachers are all fairly caring and leiniant.

I love living in my dorm, at least during the day, because my room is on the tenth floor, and I get a pretty good view from my window, I can see the river, and Union Terminal, and Beelistic Tattoo, and my favorite- a steel factory across the river that has some sort of tower outside which is constantly shooting out large flames, large enough to be seen all the way across the river, at least. I guess it's just engrossing to notice at night, to look out and see that flame across the river.

Wow, it has been over a month since I've update my this journal. I don't have much free time. My life has become comprised of two very occupying halves. Work/School, and my Social Life. And by social life, I might as well just say Chris. Occasionally John and Lucy. But I spend every spare minute I can with Chris.

Oh yeah, Chris got a promotion last week! He was formerly an assistant manager at my Complete Petmart, store 8, and he was offered a job as an actual Manager, with his own store to run and his own employees to hire and fire and everything. All the power. So now he has his own Complete Petmart in Ft. Wright, Kentucky. I'm indescribably proud of him, he deserves it. He works so hard at his job. And he gets a pretty raise, as well. =)

Other than that, I wish I had more to report. Life is flying by, but I can't exactly complain. My next two weeks are devoted to finals, I'd love for them to fly by as well. Christmas break, my family is taking me on another cruise, I cannot wait.

I'm probably getting a new tattoo this Friday, when I get paid. No, I haven't finished my archangel. I don't mind. I would prefer to have enough money to finish that whole tattoo at once, which is only about an hour and a half to two hours of shading. I'm hoping that I can afford to finance that once I get more work hours in over the break.

But if I do get this tattoo Friday, I try to post a picture.
Maybe next time I'll update sooner than a month from now.
I'm not even sure who I'm still writing to, who still reads these, but oh well. Whoever you are, Happy Thanksgiving. =)
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