So yay, seeing Eric again was fun.
We went to Petland, Smoothie King, Scallywag Tag, and the bowling alley yesterday. Funnn. Eric beat me horribly in laser tag and bowling. He got first place in laser tag, haha. And over 100 in bowling both times, while I kept averaging like 50. I suck at bowling.
So anyway we went to Petland to look at bunnies. Cuz we're cool like that. Then we saw that there was only one kitten in the store so we were playing with it. Eric had his head up by the bars of the kitten's cage [cage, sad I know] and he christened it Phillip. Then "Phillip" started batting at his glasses and next thing we knew it had pulled them off and into its cage and was chewing on them. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. We couldnt fit our hands in the cage to get the glasses back, either, and the pet store lady had to go and get them out for him.
The she was petting the kitten and talking to us about it and we realized Phillip is definately a girl. I had my suspicions. So Eric was like, uhh sorry to call you Phillip... uhh... Phyllis...
So of course we had to go back this morning before Eric left and visit her. She likes shiny things. And I feel so bad for her because she's the only kitten in the whole store, and her cage is right above all the mice, which must drive her crazy. Especially since two of the dwarf hamsters below her keep fighting.
I'm very against buying pets from Pet shops, usually. I think it's better to go to a pound or someplace like that, pet shops just seem so inhumane to me. But I'm in love wit this fucking kitten. So Eric and I are adopting it. She's pretty expensive so we have to wait until we get paid but we're splitting the cost and I'm getting her as soon as I can. I even called Petland and asked if I had to be a certain age to adopt her, and they said 17 was alright. I asked if they could put her on hold but they cant unless I pay half down. I explained I was waiting until Tuesday just to get some money, and I was just kinda like, "Okay, well try not to sell her then I guess..."
So if all goes well I'll get her once I get paid. Eric will pay me half next time I see him, and I'm not even asking my parents. I'm just gonna hide her in my room, haha. My brother said he'd watch her when I go to work.
I'm thinking I'll call her Loki. Loki Phyllis. Eric wants her to just be Phyllis but thats so old lady so I might make that her middle name, hehe.
God I'm such a dork.
Yeah well this is her =D
Wish the bars werent in the way...
Her and her glasses fetish. She tried pulling them off again ths morning. I'm in love!
Cross your fingers that she won't get adopted, I might cry.