Not for fic though, sorry.
So, for five days at the end of March I'll be in a very large city where I know pretty much no one. Among other things, this means a lot of eating all by myself in restaurants like someone who has no friends. So I'm asking for book recs. I already have something to fulfill the political science/political psychology nerd in me (assuming I can keep myself from reading it until then, I might have to hide it away in a vault somewhere) but I'm looking for something to fulfill my English nerd as well.
A (very) few guidelines:
- It needs to fit in my purse and not destroy my shoulder as I cart it around (so no War & Peace, please).
- I enjoy most genres (though sci-fi/fantasy less and mystery very little) but I very much dislike snootiness in my for fun books. What do I mean by that? It's mostly a comment on the If-You-Have-To-Ask-Then-You'll-Never-Know post-modern stuff I don't want to read "I am the Walrus" in novel form. That's not to say I don't like any of the modern/post-modern/absurdist stuff, just nothing that takes itself too seriously.
- I need to be not completely embarrassed to pull it out in the middle of a crowded coffee shop. I once worked retail and they checked our purses every time we left the store. I started buying books with ridiculous titles to keep in my purse just to confuse them. I'm perverse and it amused me, but that's not what I'm looking for here, so no Vampire Whore (an actual book, I just looked it up), please.
Beyond that, go wild....please?