I turned in my application for Haslett Schools, I hate my phone company, I love new music and football season, I like run-on sentences, hate punctuation, myspacebarisn'treallybroken, but I am really tired. Peter and I just duked it out in Axis and Allies for 8 hours. Intense and awesome--good show Pete. Friday we had a mini-game night and had some Risk, Axis and Allies and we introduced Doug and Mark to Settlers.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is
oli_essenziali a college student? No, she is THE college student.
2) If
stygian_doll were hanging off a cliff, what would
persephone3434 do? well if Courtney (sty) had any ore, sheep or wood to steal, Katie (per) would stomp on her fingers and take her cards.q
3) Which president would
stygian_doll be likely to idolize? The first female Prez.
4) Would
blondriot and
aprilia27 make a good couple? For awhile, until they starved to death because neither could decide where to eat.
5) Does
oli_essenziali do drugs? Who wants to know?
6) What flavor of jello would
x_stephanie_x be? Elvis flavored!
7) Is
say_lulu dead sexy? I don't find dead people sexy.
8) Thoughts on
lilbeautyfly? as sweet as Death by Chocolate.
9) What mental disorder does
oli_essenziali remind you of? That one where you have really nice and colorful dreams forever.
10) How tall is
cadencerain? not very.
11) What color should
stygian_doll dye their hair? I like hair changes, so whatever she picks I'm sure would be just fabulous... as long as its mono-colored.
12) If
x_stephanie_x was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? The Examinator!
13) What is
persephone3434's favorite band/artist? Does NASCAR have theme music?
14) Do you have a crush on
say_lulu? Amazingly cool, but no crush.
15) How long would
say_lulu dating
jacksmirking last? If Peter wore more leather, they might have a chance.
16) Are
blondriot and
snoozyjen married? Fuck no, I can't even get them to kiss.
17) Could you see
tink7348 and
lilbeautyfly together? They'd be the most bubbly set of lesbians the world would ever know, but I know for a fact only one of them is down for muff-diving.
18) Does
jacksmirking travel a lot? I'd say no, but he's been to Germany, and I sure haven't.... So, relatively speaking he is a travel god.
19) How many monkeys could
stygian_doll fight at once and win against? She's tough... and a planner... and all primates are stupid, so I'll say 12 monkeys, but if they're zombie monkeys only 5 and a half.
20) Have you flirted with
persephone3434? only in that brother/sister sort of way.
21) What song/movie would you recommend to
turtytart? Beck's Lost Cause/Very Bad Things
22) Do
turtytart and
teh_stu go to the same school? Heck yes! The School of Cool!
23) Is
rettiger a high school student? she's a high student often times I'm sure...
24) Would
richfirman go out with
richfirman? Oh yes. No doubt, Rich loves Rich... can you blame him?
25) What video game does
aprilia27 remind you of? That bubble game, where you shoot bubbles out of a cannon.
26) What would
blondriot think of
x_stephanie_x? They'd fight to the death in the Breanna v. Stephanie Deathmatch!
27) Has
x_stephanie_x dyed their hair? I'm quite sure.
28) What is
persephone3434 allergic to? Non-Disney movies.
29) What is
cadencerain's biggest flaw? She doesn't play Ultimate Frisbee enough.
30) What animal should
tink7348 be combined with? A liger, because its pretty much my favorite animal.
31) What would you do if
blondriot died? I'd tell everyone she was on vacation in Atlanta.
32) Is
tink7348 introverted or extroverted? Extroverted to the extroverted power times extroverted plus extroverted.
33) Has
rettiger been to your house/dorm? negatory?
34) If
turtytart took over the world, who would be happy? Anyone who likes the Sims or good cooking... oh and pets.
35) What would
jacksmirking give
oli_essenziali for his/her birthday? Probably some delicious German Cookie Crisp
36) What comic book character would
say_lulu be? One of those porn cartoon ones.
37) If
richfirman and
lilbeautyfly were spliced together, what would be its name? Ranielle!
carphreak2356's eye color? I can't tell you how many times I've stared into those beautiful.... blues?
39) Is
tink7348 a nerd? Does her brother like to run?
40) Is
richfirman 1337? I wouldn't ever call anyone that. Not ever.
41) What is
carphreak2356's favorite game? Taboo? Pictionary? Scattergories! Something that involves lots of people, but doesn't take too long.
42) When did you last call
jacksmirking? Today just before we re-fought WWII
43) Is
aprilia27 related to you? That'd be gross because I'd NEVER..... watch a Lions game with my sister!
44) Is
rettiger an emo? ha... NO.
45) Is
turtytart friends with
cadencerain? Not yet.
46) If
lilbeautyfly commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Kittens.
47) Have you ever dated
x_stephanie_x? Does Kohl's have coat racks?
48) Did
rettiger break up with you? Shattered my heart, said something about "not liking my gender that way"
49) What do you disagree with
turtytart about? Nothing?
50) Is
turtytart athletic? healthy to be sure, but I'm not sure if she's sporty though.
51) What is
carphreak2356's shoe size? Judging by the size of his wang, I'm pretty sure he has big feet.
cadencerain's hair color? Hard to say.
53) Would
snoozyjen and
tink7348 look good together? definitely.
54) Is
blondriot in a relationship? Most people would call dating me misery, but if you want to call it a relationship, then yes.
55) What would you do if you found out
snoozyjen has a crush on you? Kill Peter.
56) What would
rettiger do differently in your shoes? Nothing, as I suspect we both share a keen interest in the VERY same thing :)
57) If
snoozyjen had a superpower, what would it be? She has one! Dressing Peter in spiffy clothes!
58) Is
say_lulu related to
say_lulu? Maybe.
59) If
jacksmirking took over the world, who would suffer? The German and Japanese empires.... but that's not how it happened.
60) Would you ever date
rettiger? I think I'd have to get an operation first.
61) How would
blondriot conquer the world? She'd probably start in Australia
62) Does
persephone3434 drink? Like a fish/her sister.
63) Are
cadencerain and
lilbeautyfly going out? behind my back, bitches!
64) One thing you can't stand about
stygian_doll? She doesn't live closer.
65) Is
oli_essenziali single? The single coolest person I've never met!
66) What is
oli_essenziali's favorite movie? Something smart. Something Sexy. Something European. With a hint of politics.... The Dreamers, The Motorcycle Diaries or Amelie... how'd I do?
67) Are
richfirman and
cadencerain going steady? If Rich protects his privates during TKD...Not in this lifetime.
68) If
x_stephanie_x and
carphreak2356 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? The place where they put their alcohol.
69) Where would
stygian_doll most like to visit? The Supreme Court
70) Where did you first meet
persephone3434? I'm not sure, I just wake up one day and she's moving in.
71) What do you agree with
say_lulu about? That Settlers of Catan rocks!
72) What rank would
lilbeautyfly have in a giant robot army? Whatever rank robots have when they're assigned to take care of animals.
73) Would you set up
snoozyjen and
blondriot? I've been trying to put that together, but no luck yet.
74) What languages does
x_stephanie_x speak? Asskickerese
75) What animal does
carphreak2356 remind you of? A dog: Playful, loyal and humps your leg a lot.
76) Does
tink7348 have a crush on
cadencerain? Fucking crush questions.
77) What exotic animal would
snoozyjen like as a pet? A Peterphant.
78) Do you have
snoozyjen's screenname? and her pager number.
79) Does
lilbeautyfly have a dog? nut-uh.
80) Which of your friends should
say_lulu go out with? Rich wears the most leather... jus' sayin
81) Does
cadencerain know
rettiger? in the biblical sense :)
82) Does
jacksmirking smoke? only when he's on fire.
83) Is
oli_essenziali popular? no doubt.
84) Do you think
turtytart is hot? mmmmhmmmm.
85) What is
blondriot's favorite color? ORANGE, also a very lovely Settlers of Catan color.
86) Does
carphreak2356 have a big secret? if he's gay maybe.
87) How would
tink7348 kill
aprilia27? With her deadly zest for life.
88) If
blondriot and
turtytart were spliced together, what would it be like? They'd be pretty much the same except they'd cook a little more.
89) Where was
stygian_doll born? She's a Flintstone I believe.
90) How long have you known
aprilia27? counting all the years she ignored me?
91) Would
jacksmirking be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate, no contest.
92) Does
x_stephanie_x go to your school? She did indeed.
93) Where was
oli_essenziali born? some place cold?
94) What word best describes
oli_essenziali? important.
95) One quality you find attractive in
oli_essenziali? massive amounts of intelligence
96) Would you make out with
persephone3434? that's incestuous
97) What is
richfirman's favorite food? Ice cream.
98) Is
oli_essenziali your best friend? maybe if we had met or lived in the same place :)
99) What planet should
turtytart be from? Simcookanimalia
100) Would you wrestle
tink7348 in jello? heck yes...or in her brother's in-laws basement... whichever