almost as long as....

May 29, 2003 21:14

yoink: stole this from frenchy:
Nations Top High Schools
37. Richard Montgomery
74. Churchill
352. Sherwood
381. Kennedy
420. Magruder
469. Gaithersburg
537. Damascus
592. Blake

must be all those learning cottages we have...

oh, and did i mention that sherwood is having ONE lunch period next year??? there is NO WAY this is gonna work. just one more year, carrie....

so i can have frenchy make me a homesar shirt for 5 dollars, but it'll be in black and white...or i can just buy an official one in color, but for 15 bucks and not knowing what size to get...

school was so bizarre today. all the seniors are gone; its a ghost town. i kept going into really weird moods today. i woke up mad, went to school and had a major attitude problem, then cheered up and was in a good weird mood. then i just got mad again for no rason and tired. i took a nap today; i must say i really enjoyed it.

i didnt get to go to the show tonight. sitting alone on friday nights is what ALL the cool people do...

i had to rewrite my entire 8 page report in one period today because it didnt have headers. i finished at the bell, minus my work cited page. i really wanted to turn it in today though, for extra credit. lets hope it doesnt suck.

i understand what we're doing in math class. and i enjoy it. i like algebra alot when i understand it.

mr frieland told us that ms groner came in said she felt sick and went back home. thats alot different than what really happened....she came in, threw up on some papers, and went home. i bet its one of those thursday night hangovers she always pulls.

i drew a lil doodle of the sub, it actually looked like him. i think i left it at school, but i'll scan it at some point.

tomorrow: i have a softball game at 3. in the middle of the day. then brad's coming over. he says he has stufffff for me, and i dono what to do.

1) Full name: caryn carrie ann zaner. jewish= tzporah hannah
2) Sex: girly girl
3) Birthday: april foooools
4) Height: not so tall
6) Hair color: dirt
7) Eye color: blue/green
8) Ethnic background: polish russian, austrian, american.
There doesn't appear to be a #9
10) Hometown: Silver Spring till i was 8
11) Father's full name: Kahuna McBig Pop
12) Mother's full name: Debbie Pinson

14) Song: ever? pfft screw that. my current fav is prolly that french song on emily's mix
15) Band/singer: beatles
16) Actor: ed norton, gene wilder, john cusack, bob hope
17) Actress: madeline kahn
18) Movie: hahah good one. i cant pick just one....west side story
19) Book: a child called it, hitchhiker's guide..., edgar allen poe collection, anything by edward gorey
21) Clothing brand name: mmm...good ones. the majority of stuff i own is american eagle, abercrombie, pacsun
22) Animal: bongo, chinchilla, sugarglider
23) Day of the week: saturday
24) Color: blue, green
25) Food: pad thai
26) Class in school: law
27) Store: oh man! i totally found some hot asian stores today. wish me luck in finding their stuff online.
28) City: NYC of course.
30) Vacation: my vacas are lame. i cant wait till my cruise. i'd love to go to israel, spain, greece, london.
31) Sport: i'll play anything. bring it.
32) Game: clue
33) Car: jags, mustangs, olllllllldies
34) Internet site:,,, livejournal....hahah.
36) Season: how i love to see you in springtime then i kick you in the fall. i LOVE summer.
37) Month: june or july
38) Holiday: passover
39) Flower: baby's breath
40) Cartoon: simpsons, family guy, athf, sealab, home movies
41) TV show: law and orders, csi, scrubs, those listed above, and yes...american idol.
42) Fictional character: Homer Simpson
43) Perfume/cologne: on guys: tommy or curve. SO HOT. my girl, and curve for women...
44) Hobby: dancin with myself
45) Flavor: yum
46) Scent: summer, manly long as they dont smelllll
47) Quote: i dont need your sass, sassquatch.--me
48) Word: muckluck

49) Hot or cold: hot
50) Sweet or sour: sweet
51) Spicy or bland: bland
52) Fast or slow: fast and hard
53) Black or white: grey
54) Half-full or half-empty: who took my other half?!?!?
55) Long or short: long
56) More or less: of what
57) Soft or hard: soft
58) Rough or smooth: smooth
59) Air, land or sea: land
60) Light or dark: what are these vague questions?!?!?
61) Straight or curly: straight
62) Straight or curvy: curvy
63) Large or small: small
64) Fat or thin: more cushion for the pushin
65) E-mail or letter: i wish i got love letters
66) Phone or instant message: either i dont much care. i suck on the phone tho.
67) Day or night: Night
68) Breakfast, lunch or dinner: foooooood
69) Past, present or future: present, a lil bit of future
70) Radio or CD: cd
71) MTV or VH1: um.
72) Brush or comb: i havent used either in sooo long.
73) Slide, see-saw or swings: OH! i wanna play!
74) Doing or watching: umm....i usually like to take part in things.
75) Mind or body: i have both!
76) Consciousness, sub consciousness or unconsciousness: conciousness
77) Feet or hands: boff
78) Water or juice: juice
79) Ocean or pool: hrm depends on mood, and company
80) Treadmill or road: road, unless its cold. then neither.
81) Speaker-phone or hand-held: hand held
83) Rain or shine: shine
84) Cat or dog: dog
85) Innie or outie: Innie
86) Inside or outside: nice weather=outside
87) Up/high or down/low: for what? DAMN YOU
88) Closet or dresser-drawers: closet.
89) Bed frame or only mattress: bed frame
90) Silver or gold: silver! i hate gold. unless its white gold.
91) Are you Hetero-/Homo-/Bi-sexual?: bi
92) Are you in love?: ummmm
93) Are you in a relationship?: well...kinda.
94) Are you a virgin?: good golly ms molly yes.
95) Have you gotten your first kiss?: HAHAH. yeah.
96) Do you have a crush?: YES
97) Do you enjoy being in love/having a crush?: yeah i really do.
101) Do you believe in hookups (sexual relations without emotion)?: they exist, i dont like them.
118) Have you ever sexually harassed someone?: of course. thats my motto. carrie: the sexual molester.
119) Have you ever been sexually harassed yourself?: erg...
120) Have you ever been jealous of a friend for their boy/girlfriend?:
121) Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's "close" friend(s)?: nope
122) Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's ex-?: yeah
123) Have you ever gotten back together with an ex-?: yup
124) Have you ever gotten together with a friend's ex-?: yup
125) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: yeah. that hot one thats like 70 with a limp and a patch over his eye.
126) Have you ever been in love with someone so much that you've cried over them?: why would i cry if i was in love with them...
127) What's the most affection you deem appropriate for public?: kissing.
129) Do you enjoy kissing?: yes
130) Do you keep a picture of your beloved somewhere?: hahah....
131) Would you (honestly) sacrifice your life for your beloved?: um...i think i'd take my life for anyone.
132) Have you ever use whipped cream, hot wax, et cetera, in a sexual act?: duh.
133) What do you look for in a lover (physically)?: sense of humor, eyes, smile, tons of similar interests, plays an instrument is cool, and being hot doesnt hurt.
134) What do you look for in love (mentally/emotionally)?: honest, sweet, chivalrous
135) Do cherries or strawberries have any sexual meaning for you?: one day i guess. i dont like getting messy tho. thats dumb.
136) Have you ever dumped someone?: yeah...
137) Have you ever been dumped?: it happens
138) Have you ever had your heart broken?: yes
139) Are you (honestly) afraid of commitment?: mmm right now i'm kinda iffy.
140) Are you attracted to people with accents?: yup. what can i say. its hot.
141) Have you ever had sexual relations in public?: ew not anything more than kissing.
142) Do you have a memento from a previous relationship?: tons. im so sentimental
143) Is there a certain smell, sight, sound, or taste that reminds you of a love?: curve, certain songs, of course.

144) Do you enjoy living in your town?: pfft. go brookeville.
145) Do you smoke?: nope
146) Do you drink?: nope
147) How often do you shower?: every day if i feel like it
148) Do people you live with complain about the water bill because of the lengths of your showers?: no
149) Do you trust others easily?: not really
150) Have you ever lied to a friend?: not about anything important
151) Are you trustworthy?: yes
152) Are you anyone's secret-keeper?: most of the time.
153) Have/would you ever skydive?: i would
155) Have/would you bungee jump?: i would
156) Have/would you play "Chicken"?: no
157) If granted one wish, what would it be?: peace
158) Do you like to dance?: no i boogie
159) Which do you prefer -- slow or fast dancing?: meh.
160) Do you like to swim?: not seriously, but splashin around is good.
161) Do you make friends easily?: i guess. i talk alot.
162) If so, where do you most often make friends?: anywhere.
163) Do you color your hair?: i did two years ago and it JUST came out
164) Do you wear makeup?: nope
165) Are you a person who lies a lot?: i try not too.
166) What religion do you practice, if any?: im a atheist jew...
167) Do you like high heels?: i'm so buying a pair of those high heeled chucks
168) Are you homophobic?: not if
169) Do you like to travel?: yes
170) Granted you are American, have you ever been out of the state?: yes
171) Do you own any pets?: nope
172) Do you have a cell phone/pager?: cell phone
173) Do like amusement parks?: yes
174) If so, what is your favorite park/ride?: kings dominion. roller coasters
175) Do you collect anything?: snow globes, signed drumsticks
177) Do you keep your room/apartment/dorm clean?: no
179) Would you consider yourself a depressed person?:
180) Have you ever been to a concert?: yeah....
181) If so which one? tons. my fav to date is prolly the pietasters at fletchers. the people there sucked, but the pietasters rocked.
183) Do you have any piercings?: one in each ear.
184) Do you have any tattoos?: nope
185) Do you dream often?: every night
186) Do you frequently daydream?: yes
187) Do you have a job: at a summer camp. i beat up kids for money. any takers?
188) What was your first job?: sending billy bushwick to the hospital.
189) Do you have any health problems?: back and ankles.
190) Are you a vegetarian?: no
191) Have you ever been in a crash?: no
192) Have you ever had a near-death experience?: not that i recall.
193) Have you ever won anything? yeah, i used to win champagne all the time. that and people's hearts
194) Do you play a musical instrument?: i used to play clarinet, alto sax, alto clarinet, bass clarinet. i failed at learning the guitar, bass, and drums. someone wanna teach me bass and drums?
195) Have you ever had someone close to you die?: yup. rip
196) Have you ever broken a bone?: yup. fingers and ankle.
197) Have you ever had stitches?: i'll stitch you...
198) Do you have any scars?: not too many. one from falling off my bike twice on the same spot, being attacked by a killer dog...thats about it. oh, and one on my FACE from chicken pox. dont scratch, kids, dont scratch.
199) Have you ever had major surgery?: nope.
200) What is your earliest memory?: being tickled or read to or something.
201) Have you ever gotten in a physical fight?: ohhh yeah. pow.
202) What is your dream job?: something in criminal justice, although every now and then, acting tempts me.
203) Do you plan on having kids?: yeah i really do.
204) What phrase do you use the most?: like whoa. whatev. duh. i'll ____ you. your face. shut the hell up.
205) Have you met/do you know anyone famous?: ralph friedgen and gary williams count, right? doug not that interesting.
206) Do you carry a wallet/?: naw.
207) Have you ever baby-sat?: there are 9 kids on my street alone. i used to be rich.
208) In what position do you sleep?: tummy or side.
209) Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else's bed?: yeah...doesnt everyone spend nights at other people's houses?...
210) Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else?: no, i've never been that confortable with somebody.
211) Do you put on a front for anyone?: prolly
212) Do you cry?: toooo much.
213) Do you have a pen-pal?: haha yeah, jorge's stalker from
214) If so, how long have you been communicating?: um about two months or so.
215) Do you have friends in other parts of the world?: i used to have one in poland.
216) Have you ever gotten in trouble with the police?: no
217) Have you ever committed a felony?: ok, does rape REALLY count?
218) Do you believe in fate?: yes.
219) Have you ever been skinny-dipping?: no
220) Do you believe in yourself?: no
221) What kind of pin-ups do you have on your walls?: beatles poster outlined in a pink boa...random pictures of bands, beatles crap, picture phil drew last year, that lil guy from the phone commercials, my corkboard, bumper stickers, homecoming thing from when i went with cammie
222) What is the background on your computer screen of: scenery that changes every day
223) What languages do you know?: i talk american
224) Have you ever visited another country?: canada...I'VE GOT THE SARS
225) Have you ever needed to call 911?: no
226) Do you have a sweet-tooth?: sometimes, yeah
227) What restaurant do you enjoy going to the most?: thai hut...or room. meh its in dc.
228) Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?: no sir
229) Do you own a motorcycle, and if so, what kind? boo.
230) Have you ever committed a misdemeanor?: i stole....everyone does.
231) Do you consider yourself organized?: at times i HAVE to be. it depends.
232) Have you ever fainted?: yeah.
233) Do you wear a watch?: a bungee watch.
234) Do you wear any jewelry?: my great aunts ring from norway.
235) Did you enjoy climbing trees when you were younger?: not so much.
236) Have you ever driven through a cornfield?: no, thats lame.
237) Do you have pictures around the frame of your mirror?: i have some one there now...
238) Has an airline ever lost your luggage?: nope
239) Do you read the comics?: every morning
240) Do you read the opinion page?: not alot.
241) Do you read the sports section?: rarely
242) Do you spend money more than you save it?: i used to but recently i havent been out much.
243) Have you ever read/bought something "just for the articles"?: i totally used to read maxim.
244) Do you believe in aliens?: yes, of course. there HAS to be more life out there somewhere.
245) Do you believe in God, the Devil, heaven or hell?: nope.
246) Do you believe in reincarnation?: yes, i really really do.
247) If so, what/who do you think you were in your past life?: i was a girl, and i totally remember it being in the days when cameras were just invented, and i lived in this really small shack like house with alot of family. i had brown hair and brown eyes. shut up.
248) What period in history are you most intrigued by?: mostly around the most recent "big" wars, like ww2 and the vietnam war. i also am in love with anything 50s or audrey hepburn-esque.
249) Who are your best friends? frenchy, and you.
251) The survey is over! Are you still breathing?: nope
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