This ones for courtney cause she made my day..

Feb 02, 2005 22:41

here are some

this is my dog

this is my dad

thi sis me being lame

me on a little ATV

me and hallie. and outake of the smoothie pic

yea jeremy is playing pin the tale on the donkey at radio shack. it was his going away party

hallie at the mall

sebastion. weird.

hallie is so cute

hallie at the mall again.

the best part about this pic is that she didnt even take it. i did. she just wanted it to look like she took it.

hallie again. i have So0 many pics of hallie. you have NO idea. maybe 50-60 now.

i think thats a pretty good pic of travis B.

Lezley in English before i got into ms. Roans


jeremy again. thats it. thats all my pics of him.

theres willie at work. wearing my scarf. awwwww

willie at work again

me and willie at work

one of the lawyers. Deke. Mr Owen. whatever.

willie wearing one of the rediculus hats some company sent everyone at the firm. and then some. there like a milion of them. we just put them all on travis desk. :)

my dad wearing some even more rediculus glasses. theyre mine. isnt he funny?

a completly random christmas tree in the middle of the office.

erin at her desk

willie working hard

travis looking like hes working real hard in his new office.

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