1) Im rearranging my room
2) Im going to eat Chinese for lunch
3) $$$$ Babysitting $$$$
4) Adam is coming home:
i am going to mobile thursday night. i hope i come back in a different mindset. i think i need to bring meditation back into my life. today, when i was cleaning out my papers, i found all my old notebooks of affirmations and it reminded me of how good i felt when i would write those things down. yesterday, i went to a read-through of the show im costuming this fall. the director decided that i would be designing for present day, instead of the 50's. I WAS SO SAD! i was excited about researching the characters and that time period! i had already bought a dress for one of the girls. i think ill be sneaky and just make it...present-day-retro-50's.
i wish i could walk well in heels.
goodnight moon.
goodnight stars.
goodnight all.