leftover rescue (cross-posted)

Sep 08, 2005 13:36

So last night I forgot to put away the rest of the pasta from dinner, and I didn't notice until this morning. It was in a pot without a lid and it sat out for about 12 hours, which might make you think that it should be thrown out, but I am cheap and hungry and my kitchen's not particularly dirty, right? Ahem. Anyway, this morning when I noticed it I decided the ~2 cups of pasta would go in the crockpot with a can of tuna (super chunky kind in water), about half a cup of homemade croutons from pesto bread (why croutons in a pasta bake? I don't know either), a splash of italian dressing, and a few splashes of water (maybe 1/4 a cup). I turned on the crockpot around 10 when I left for class and just ate it when I got back around 12:30. It is the teeny convenience store model, so it only has an "on" and "off" setting. Oh, and I grated a bit of my roommate's cheese on top at the end... parmesan reggiano maybe? The end product is soooooo good! Unreasonably so for what it is. Not exactly pretty, but very tasty.

I think I will go have some more...

experiments, mistakes

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