Nov 22, 2004 21:41
HAHAHA just kidding. I will do when I havent gotten around to it yet though. its gonn take more then a few min for that shit. Thats all the time I ever seem to have to myself at this point in my life right now. apwfan69 its time you stopped fucking with Nikki. She is with my brother, who will at any unknown point beat the living shit out of you. You are lucky he doesnt have a temper like me. On the other hand you are not so lucky because I have now gotten sick of this harrassment. Nikki is considered family. I get real fucking pissed of when someone is fucking with family. You dont know me but you will. I may be a girl but you are no match for me, I dont care how big or tough you are, you dont know me and you dont know the damage I will create. You have now crossed me and I am angry. Nikki is one of the sweetest people I have met and it relly pisses me off that you are creating child like issues with her. I am giving you a fair warning, cut the crap or pay the price of my wrath. That is all Im done with you.
On a good note, I had an awesome honeymoon and I still hate work.