Nov 15, 2007 15:31
here are some things about my life:
1. i am currently in THREE fantasy hockey leagues. i am in FIRST PLACE in ALL three of them.
2. i have buying lots of records off of ebay lately. GOOD RECORDS. AWESOME.
3. OPOSSUMS will NOT leave me alone!!! CUT IT OUT OPOSSUMS!
4. new NDN christmas song is just about done. maybe a final mix? it has CLARINET!
5. the galapagos islands are CRAZY!
6. STEVE is moving out soon. it will just be ANGIE and I. money problems?
7. however we will probably be getting a PUPPY.
8. YOU should come over on SUNDAY NIGHTS and play GAMES with good friends.
9. i just found a paper with a few POEMS/DRAWINGS i was working on and thought i lost. RELIEF.
10. i think i will be having another HOLIDAY show in my basement this year. FUN.