Jan 03, 2006 10:23
So, I am watching Real Sports with Bryant Gumble and taking the ornaments off of my Christmas tree when I receive a call on my cell phone. It was a Ms. Smathers from the Sacramento Department of Human Assistance. Basically, I got a new job! No more graveyard shift! No more managers deploying military tactics to enforce policies! I will be a Human Services Specialist. Here are a few of the duties of my position:
- Interviewing applicants/recipients to determine eligibility, approving benefits, and ancillary payments for various public assistance programs. Programs such as: TANF/CalWORKS, Welfare to Work ancillary payments and Homeless assistance.
- Assisting clients in job exploration, vocational training, and overcoming employment barriers.
- Assessing client needs and making referrals to other social service agencies and community service agencies.
- Maintain case records and keep records of case/client contact.
I should start February 6th. I go in tomorrow to fill out papers and sign up for a physical. I just thought I'd let y'all know. Why am I missing two ornaments? My mood is compliments of Melissa's pants.