Kanon Character Spotlight Challenge: Ayu Tsukimiya

Aug 25, 2010 00:58

Warning: Spoilers for Kanon (2006)

Well, here it is, the end of the line for the Kanon Character Spotlight Challenge. Fittingly, it ends with the winning girl of the series (of course),  Ayu Tsukimiya. The delay was due to my own procrastination as well as some preparations for college away. Speaking of that, here is some sad news; there will NOT be a challenge for either AIR or Angel Beats till I can safely secure my free time in college. I do apologize for anyone who was hoping for such a thing. All for the better maybe; admittedly AIR is my least favorite of the Key works so, well, yeah. Angel Beats I like, but admittedly is more chaotic (no "arcs") than the other Key works so I wouldn't know where to start with it. Is shorter though...but yeah, for now do NOT expect there to be anything up on it for the time being. If you do want to see more of my writing, however, feel free to join up on my Clannad RP site ^_^ /self-plugin. With that, let's get to this last review. ~Uguuu's please....

Ayu Tsukimiya

Basics: A childish girl met during a taiyaki theft, Ayu is bubbly and excited. The closest of the girls from the past to Yuuichi, but yet the one that Yuuichi remembers the least about. Her school location is mysterious, and so is just her entire life outside of random encounters period. Yet Yuuichi finds himself enjoying her company, and teasing her for that matter. Yet, he just can't help but feel something important happened seven years ago, something bad....
Character Design: Out of all the characters in the series, Ayu's is the easiest to pinpoint what they were going for with; pure, unadulterated adorableness, cuteness, and moe. Everything about her screams it and hits you over the head with it. She's the most childish-looking of the cast; shorter height, shorter hair, less, uhm, "developed", her clothing looks more like a raincoat (which for some reason is cute...), big eyes full of expression, and a backpack with little angel wings (foreshadowing Whooo!). Oh, and one more thing; the Verbal Tic. I don't even need to explain this one, ~Uguu. I once found a counter of how many times "~Uguu" is said in Kanon over the 24 episodes of the series. Total amount? 113 times. Only "Auuu" comes close to this amount, though it only occurred for half the amount of time in the series so it sounds more annoying (that, and is also about all Makoto can say once things go down hill). Now to be fair though, that counter also included the times that Yuuichi said it, but still, he was doing it to mock Ayu so it still counts. Also, a cookie to anyone who counts how many times I'm forced to use "Uguu" in this review XD.

But enough about the "Uguu"s, let's get to the rest of her design. As I've mentioned before, Ayu reminds me a lot of Fuko as I saw Clannad first, and in this case both have similar designs for their character. They're shorter than the rest of the cast, their eyes and behaviors much more expressive in terms of their feelings (see the movie theatre scene where we get many variations of the word "Uguu"). Unlike Fuko, however, is more "weird", Ayu gets the Genki Girl trope for her. Ayu is definitely more "active" than the other girls...well, Makoto comes second to that. But really, you don't see Makoto going around tackle-glomping people just to say hello. That in fact basically becomes her running gag for much of the series.

Now as I mentioned in the Shiori review though, this does hurt her as the "main love interest" from my point a view. They did such a great job at making Ayu a shining beacon of cuteness that I simply CAN'T take her seriously as a love interest. I mean really, how is that going to end up? If she says "~Uguu" over every little thing, then what's going to happen when......okay, getting mind out of gutter now. But even outside of that, she just seems so child-like, innocent, and adorable that, like Fuko, I just have trouble accepting the ending events turning her into Yuuichi's love interest. She just seems more like "loveable but annoying little sister" than "Yuuichi's true love and soulmate"....but enough about that. Let's get to...

Personality: Well, as mentioned, Ayu is the most energetic of all the girls in the series. She glomps people, runs, screams, says "Uguu" a lot, and is definitely not afraid to show off her emotions. In the classic Genki Girl style, she drags Yuuichi around with her, such as her first scene where she steals him and runs away with him due to her stealing taiyaki. Other times, she is flailing her arms around as she runs, especially when scared. She's always cheerful, happy, and just never seems to be in a bad mood unless the drama is kicking in. Whenever she meets someone new, she is rather quick to become friends with them and seems to act as if she has been best friends with them for life. Ayu also loves to try new things and improve herself, especially her cooking skills (which are horrendous). Overall, just a fun, loveable girl.

Of course, she also retains a rather child-like level of behavior. Her and Yuuichi serve as a comedic duo as the two argue and bicker with name calling and teasing (mostly on Yuuichi's side of things). She's easily scared and frightened, like accidentally stealing taiyaki due to being scared by the guy yelling at a dog. Like any good child, she'll show off her emotions real well, many times with some variation of the phrase "Uguu". In terms of speech, she addresses herself with what are normally "male" pronouns, and refuses to change them, showing a bit of a childish attachment to such things. The "Uguu" itself can be seen as childish in of itself due to the fact that it's just a general expression of emotion for her, like a sigh or something. When compared to the more "mature" characters like Mai who don't have any kind of a verbal tick, Ayu's child-like cuteness is really apparent. Overall, its almost as if she never really grew up from her younger age.....which is actually a bit of brilliance if you think about it. After all, if you've been in a coma (yes, spoilers right there) for seven years, your personality isn't really going to change that much would it? Hmm, that makes her behavior make a lot more sense. Still, she's not acting like a complete kid; she still shows signs of maturity, especially in some of the balcony scenes or when Yuuichi comes to her for help on the other arcs. Still, most of the time Ayu is a little kid in a teenage body...and even said body is a little on the child-size.

Unlike most child-like characters however, Ayu isn't necessarily selfish. She does share care and concern for others, especially Yuuichi and Akiko. She even helps Yuuichi in some of his dealings with the other girls. Furthermore, she is normally polite about getting him to help her search for her item. After her first few initial run ins with him she really didn't just drag him wherever she wanted to take him. So in this respect, she is a little bit more mature than Fuko, who did show some signs of being a little bit of a jerk and selfish at times. Still, it gets kind of lost when she's going around with "Uguu" and refusing to watch even a second of a horror movie (though I have to agree with her as I don't like horror movies either...). During her arc, however, she shows probably the most of this trait, especially when she tells Yuuichi she wishes for him to forget her (so he didn't have to live with the pain of her condition) and then that he would be happy. Since she could have wished herself out of the coma (could she?), giving that up in order to make Yuuichi happy shows that in the end, Ayu does greatly care for him and others. After all, what better sign of love and respect than giving up your own happiness for someone else?

Of coursre, as a Key work, Ayu has to have some kind of emotional issue at hand.Oddly enough, it's actually very similar to Makoto's, or at least as how I view it. With the death of her mother, Ayu didn't want to be abandoned by someone she loved, and gets panicky when it looks like its going to happen. This is shown when Akiko gets sick and Ayu simply freaks about it; it's just a small fever but you would have thought she had the plague the way Ayu was acting. Remembering that her mother had died of sickness, however, and it becomes a lot clearer as to why. Akiko was like a second mom for her, and she was afraid of loosing her. This also explains all the "pinky promises" she made Yuuichi do; yes, it might seem childish, but she believed you couldn't go back on such a promise. Therefore, it was the best way to secure that the promise would be kept and she would continue to see Yuuichi. Also would explain the attachment to that doll, or her "lost item"; it had a wish on it, a wish that Yuuichi would promise to fulfill for her. Not only was there the emotional attachment to it, there was also that promise behind it. Okay, admittedly that's a weaker argument, but still, it was a bit of a safety net for her. Notice that once she's become Yuuichi's closest friend (and I believe after they admitted love to each other) she doesn't want to search for it...till her world comes crashing down again in the arc. Which means it is time for....

Storyline-Dreams: Okay, I'm doing this a bit different. Since much of Ayu's arc is told through dreams Ayu has during her coma, I thought I would focus on telling the story from that perspective first. After that is Ayu related stuff during the other arcs, and since that can eat up quite a bit of time also gets own section. Finally, the Ayu arc proper.

Yuuichi meets Ayu outside of the grocery store as Nayuki is inside shopping. She is crying, and Yuuichi tries to cheer her up. With all the people around, however, it gets a bit awkward as they think he might be bullying her. So he takes her away, getting her taiyaki to cheer her up (and probably explaining why she loves it so much). He tries to get her to talk about why she is crying, but she doesn't budge on it. However, she is cheered up some, and the two pinky promise to meet up again the next day as he rushes to meet up with Nayuki back at the store (he was late). When they do meet again, over taiyaki, Ayu informs Yuuichi that her mom had recently died, causing her sadness. After discussing moms in general with her, the two again promise to meet up tomorrow. Of course, this starts to bring up a pattern, especially when Ayu is kept waiting on a bench by the train station where they meet (Yuuichi is chronically late). The two hang out, have fun, and enjoy themselves, becoming great friends in the process.

It was during one of these days that Yuuichi wins a small angel doll for Ayu (borrowing the money from Nayuki to do so). Giving her the doll, he tells her that she gets three wishes from it. The wishes, of course, have to be something that he is capable of granting since he will be the one to grant them. Also, to get out of a loophole, he tells her no wishing for more wishes. Ayu mentions her mom again, and tells Yuuichi that she is beginning to forget the sadness. Sure, she'll miss her mother still, but the sadness and pain is starting to fade. In short; she's moving on, and Yuuichi is helping her with this. Her first wish? For Yuuichi to never forget her (yeah, we know how that worked out...) since he is leaving soon. He promises that, telling her he will come back and visit and they'll eat taiyaki together and everything!

The next time they meet, Ayu brings him her homemade cookies of DOOM! He tries to eat them, but really can't do so. They end up heading off to the woods, where they find a really big tree in clearing. Ayu makes Yuuichi turn away, and after a short time-wasting montage he is allowed to turn around. He looks up to find that Ayu had climbed up the tree (she's in skirt, hence looking away). He shows some concern of her being so high up, but she says she is a good climber and enjoys the field up there. Yuuichi himself is afraid of heights. Again, the two agree to meet again tomorrow. This sets up another pattern; they meet, she climbs tree, and they have fun. Soon Ayu gives Yuuichi her second wish; that the tree will become a school for them to go to. The school is completely free; they can come and go as far as much as they want, taiyaki for lunch, etc. He grants the wish, turning the tree into a new "school" and hangout place. This leaves her with one last wish, but one night while walking they find an old jar. Ayu decides to bury the angel doll in it as a time capsule, in hopes someone else would get it and be able to use its magic when needed. They agree to meet one more time for a going away party.

At the tree, Yuuichi brings with him a headband to give to Ayu as a going away present. As usual Ayu climbs the tree. The two talk, with Yuuichi wanting to bring his cousin so they could meet. Before Ayu is able to do anything, however, the wind begins to blow hard, very hard. Ayu is unable to hold on and falls out of the tree. Yuuichi rushes over to her. All Ayu is able to tell him is that it hurts, but soon the pain goes away as she looses the ability to move. We can easily see blood begin to show in the snow around her as Yuuichi tries his best to get her to old on. He makes her pinky promise to meet again, though he has to control her hand to get it do so. The screen moves out as we see Yuuichi frantically crying, trying to get Ayu to let go so the promise can be official, but it looks like there is only one obvious result; Ayu died seven years earlier (after all, no one can survive such a fall, right? And it has all the makings of a death, right? And Key LOVES killing off the main girl, right?)

Storyline-Present Day (Other Arcs): Yuuichi first runs into Ayu, or actually, Ayu runs into. Grabbing him, she drags him away in a panicked run from the taiyaki man, as she reveals. Of course, Yuuichi responds with his snark and responsibleness, and ends up making her apologize and pay the man back (or at least he does). This basically sets up Yuuichi and Ayu's relationship for the rest of the series; Ayu acts childish and cute, Yuuichi teases her or acts responsibility, she responds with "~Uguu". Out of all the girls, she is the one he loves to tease the most; right after this incident he teases her about the little wings on her backpack, which she chases like a dog with his tail to see. We get some foreshadow of a possible past connection (as detailed in above section) at this point, but overall it was just a simple introduction of the character.

This all happens again later, but this time they run to the park. With Yuuichi's prompting, Ayu runs into a tree, kicking off meeting with Shiori. See more about that in the Shiori review. We also find the shocking revelation that Ayu is, in fact, the same age as Yuuichi. Once Shiori is gone, the two pinky promise to meet again. After this, Ayu begins to just simply glomp Yuuichi instead of dragging him off due to stealing taiyaki (still loves it though). We get another running gag for the Yuuichi/Ayu relationship; Yuuichi mimicking "~Uguu". As they get some taiyaki, Ayu reveals that her goal right now is to track down her "lost item", though she can't really  remember what it us. She just knows that it is important is all. Yuuichi helps a bit, but no luck. This, again, establishes another basic Yuuichi/Ayu relationship deal; search for item, find nothing. Also get to see how much the city has changed as Ayu's bookstore is gone, she doesn't know what a cellphone is (again, signs something is up cause who doesn't know what a cellphone is?), etc.

Ayu soon meets Makoto, and the two become rather good friends as they help Yuuichi unpack his stuff and bond over taiyaki. When Makoto hides, Yuuichi and her discuss her search a bit before she leaves again. Ayu soon starts becoming a common sight at the household, eating breakfast there (and of course evil jam situation) and such. The two eventually have a "date" at a the movies. Yuuichi meets her at the train station bench. Ayu mentions she doesn't mind the waiting as she loves the feeling when someone you're waiting for arrives. The movie, of course, is a horror movie, supposedly the scariest EVER. Yuuichi is perfectly bored, Ayu perfectly horrified and basically spends the entire movie going "~Uguu" in some variation of it, twisting and turning in her seat to not see the screen. The two talk in the cafe to wind down, Yuuichi joking she could be confused for a boy. She quickly shows off a fear of ghosts as she basically runs home arms flailing afterward as it was night. This is about the last we see of Ayu as the Makoto arc winds up.
The next time we see her, she is meeting Nayuki for the first time. The two are quick to get along, teasing Yuuichi a little in the process. They head to Yuuichi and Nayuki's home, where they find that Piro has been found. Speaking of searches, Ayu hasn't had any luck in her own. Ayu is revealed, however, that her parent's are "on a trip". She is soon invited to stay, and with Makoto gone, Ayu's presence sure brightens up the place for everyone. However, she does fail completely in cooking when attempts to make breakfast for everyone. Also shown that Ayu goes to a school where she can basically play hooky all she wants and not get in trouble. For comedy purposes, Ayu's fear of ghosts gets played up; can't walk the hall due to fear of ghosts so Yuuichi must help her get to bathroom.

However, we finally get a truly serious scene as the two stand out on the balcony and talk, scenes that become increasingly common as the arc moves on. This isn't a big one though, just talking about Nayuki. However, there is a moment of foreshadowing as Ayu mentions she is not "good with heights." One thing you got to give Kanon credit for; it knows how to make every comment a foreshadowing to something. After all, I wouldn't be good with heights if I fell out of a tree, would you? Of course Yuuichi and Ayu don't remember that at the moment, so let's move on. Oh, and joke about Ayu being able to take advantage of kid's meals and other benefits due to her appearance.

Another interesting moment occurs when Yuuichi brings Ayu to meet Mai, since she had helped Makoto after all. The basic decision of this is that Mai might be able to know what the lost item is since she apparently had an idea what Makoto was. Mai, of course, proves useless in this endevor, but between this moment and one later near the end of her arc where she says someone Yuuichi knows is running from pain (though at the time you can also claim Shiori is the one mentioned), we get the sense something is going on with Ayu. After all, Mai showed concern for Makoto due to supernatural issues with her, so concern for Ayu could be coming from the same feeling, right? That, and who can't help but be concerned for Ayu? This is the end of the major appearances of Ayu in Mai's arc.

Ayu returns to the stage in the post-arc meeting with Mai at the hospital. Again, foreshadow occurs with Ayu mentioning she doesn't like hospitals. Since she has been stuck in one for the last seven years, good reason for having such feelings. Also, the doctor for Shiori shows a surprise at seeing Ayu, but quickly dismisses it. before moving on. Remember, Ayu is supposed to be in the hospital in a COMA, so obviously as a nurse I'd be concerned to see a patient who is supposed to be bed ridden walking around. Again, no one else knows this at the time so moving on! Speaking of illness, we get to see Ayu freak out over Akiko getting sick. As mentioned earlier, this is probably a simple extension of her loss of her mother due to illness and afraid of loosing someone who has basically become her second mother. Another moment of information and foreshadowing in Shiori's arc (Ayu doesn't do much else in the arc but attend the party) is, while being asked about gift ideas for Shiori, she mentions that her headband was given to her by someone special. As you can probably tell from the Dream section, headband important. Later on though we find out she got it from Yuuichi, though that's about all she can remember from the past.

Storyline-Present Day (Ayu Arc): The beginning of the twists and turns for Ayu's arc begins when her and Yuuichi are sitting on a bench at the train station. She talks with him about ever loosing someone important to him in front of him. His mind flashes to Makoto and Shiori, and Ayu can sense he knows the feelings she had when she lost her mom; powerless, weak, etc. For the first time, she said, she was forced to face herself as what she was; a powerless child. All she could do was call her mom's name (after all, she didn't have super-tears like Mai). In this moment of empathy and connection, Ayu stands on her toe and kisses him. She soon apologizes for doing so, but Yuuichi confesses that he loves Ayu, and she returns the feelings. Makes the trip home a little awkward doesn't it? So with this, the two pick up the relationship they had in the past. The question of her school is brought up again, and she is excited to show it off to him. They agree to visit it the next day. Meanwhile, though, they begin acting like a couple, such as holding hands and teasing her about using male pronouns.

Finally, and most importantly, she admits that she does not need to find her item anymore. As I explained in personality, this might simply be her realizing she does not need the doll and it's wish; she has a secure relationship with Yuuichi. On a darker side, she subconsciously doesn't want it because in doing so she might be forced to face her real condition and life, separating her from Yuuichi and placing her back in a dark dream aka coma. Just me theorizing, so feel free to offer own opinions.

Meanwhile, the balcony becomes an important place of romance as Ayu ends up freezing herself outside as Yuuichi didn't know she was out there. Getting her warmed up, he tells her he likes her being an idiot, which makes him an idiot too. As the two bond, they decide to go to Ayu's school tomorrow. During the day, however, Yuuichi and Akiko go out for a bit, and Akiko asks if he remembers what happened seven years earlier. He says no, and she simply mentions a tree was cut down. Hmm, I smell foreshadowing....which is quickly brought to the forefront when, arriving at the "school", it turns out it was in fact the tree. Ayu begans to break down; after all, no school was there. This school was, after all, basically the anchor to her vision of reality, the past, and I guess her current "ghostly" self. Suffering from this existential crisis of whether or not she is supposed to be here (backpack empty=symbolism?), Ayu runs off and begins to dig, trying to find her item. I guess it is of her opinion that finding this item will restore and confirm her existence, but as she digs in the road she is unable to find it. Yuuichi begins to dig too, but Ayu soon tells him that they can never meet again, disappearing as she says good-bye.

Nayuki, Kitagawa, and Yuuichi come by the next day to dig again, and this time they succeed in finding the bottle with the angel doll in it. Nayuki fixes it up, and then the Nayuki arc hits. As I mentioned in her review, however, Yuuichi's priorities are still highly focused on Ayu. After some attempts to talk and comfort Nayuki he remembers Ayu falling out of the tree, and just runs out of the house like a madman. He keeps running, and running...and running. Soon he is reaching the next town, but with a blizzard running he faints and falls into the snow. We get a vision of Makoto cuddling him, and he's basically thinking that staying there and dying would be a good thing so he can be with Ayu. However, a care comes as he shuts his eyes...and he lives! He has been rescued by basically the girl Makoto had based herself on, the real Makoto. The two chat for a while as she tries to encourage him, telling him that pain and trouble can in fact make you stronger, sort of like how tree's get stronger through the winters in town or something like that. Think it was that trouble=makes you stronger basically. Not the best lesson, but has a point I guess; just don't go looking for trouble all right.

After recovering from the night, Yuuichi goes back to the clearing and takes a nap there. Ayu returns to him as he comments on waiting and loving someone forever. She tells him that she is out of time and has come to say goodbye while he gives her the backpack and doll, hoping she'll stay. Ayu tells him no, this is really goodbye. He tells her to give him her third wish then, and she tells him to "Please forget about me." He tries to get her to wish for something else, but she tells him she has nothing more. Hugging her, he calls her a child for wanting to try and carry all the burdens on her own shoulder. He is, therefore, unable to grant her the wish. As the wind blows hard, she gives a new one, but he is unable to hear it. After telling her that her body feels warm, she disappears again....and we are given a narrative from Ayu's perspective in her dream. We are told that for her, it was as if one day was repeating over and over, her sitting at a bench waiting for someone for years.

Storyline-The Ending: Life for Yuuichi soon becomes better as Akiko recovers from the accident, Mai and Sayuri recover early enough for graduation, Shiori is coming back to school (as if she wasn't sick anymore), and over all life is returning to normal minus Ayu being there. The word "miracle" is thrown around a lot. However, Yuuichi tells Akiko he remembers what happened seven years ago, the death of Ayu. Akiko, however, informs Yuuichi that Ayu didn't die; she fell into a coma. Enjoyed by the news, Yuuichi begins to visit everyday, and the others as well assist him in taking care of her. Ayu, in her dream, tells of a guy coming to visit her everyday, telling stories of all the girls in the series. In short, Yuuichi is doing to Ayu what I'm doing to the storyline here ^_^. Shiori, talking with Yuuichi, theorizes that Ayu's wish was that Yuuichi would always be smiling, and that in order to do so everyone else had to be saved as well. Nayuki says she now believes in miracles, and Mai gives one last cryptic advice; "to go find her and keep promise." More poetic narrative from Ayu (sorry, didn't really write it down) with symbolism of the seasons and the awakening to the day and light filling in.

Returning to the clearing, digging out the old bag with the headband inside it (that is one good quality headband to last that long), and a discussion on illusion over reality. Coming to the bench, Yuuichi and Ayu are 'returned' to their younger age as Yuuichi finally gives Ayu the headband that he has had to give, and apologizes for being really, really late. As we return to reality, we are greeted to Ayu on the bench, and Yuuichi being late again. Ayu has gotten a haircut at the barbers, and her hairstyle makes her look like a boy (that was a long awaited joke...how long back did he say that could happen?). While Ayu has to use a wheelchair for now, and physical therapy is going to be a pain, the future looks bright, and one day she should be able to run and play again. As the series ends, a quick glimpse of the background of the clearing shows what looks like to be a fox. Makoto perhaps? Everyone else was healed after all, and Makoto did effect Yuuichi's happiness greatly....There's the image if you want to look for yourself. After all, it's always good to make your own decisions and thoughts ^_^. Besides, her coming back is the better happy ending, and we all love a happy ending right? That, and it's supposed to be a miracle so....

Final Thoughts: Admittedly, by this point, most of my thoughts on Ayu's character has been said and done. I find her like Fuko; fun, adorable, energetic. I don't really see her as a romantic option for Yuuichi for those same reasons. Overall, just a fun character and a joy, though they could have gotten away with a little less "~Uguu"s in the series. Oh well, it was part of the "Moe" appeal of the character I guess. So yeah, for more on my thoughts in response to Ayu as a romantic option, see the Shiori character review.

As for her storyline, I do think it has the level of drama needed to belong to the main character. Main girl died/coma? Check. Main male lead acting desperate due to said death? Check. Miracle ending? Check. In short, the perfect Key Visual Art ending to a series. It's also the least confusing of the endings between AIR, Clannad, and Kanon. Ayu has waited all these years for Yuuichi, found happiness and accepting reality instead of illusionary happiness, leaves with one last wish. Said wish causes a miracle (and a demand for those angel plush dolls...I kid) for the happiness of her love Yuuichi, and this leads to the happiness of all those around him. No weird things with crows and feudal Japan, no Ilusionary World, just the simple wish for happiness from the main heroine. Oddly enough, this might actually make Ayu, in a weird way, the most proactive of the female leads in the endings of the series. Well, Nagisa might outstrip her depending on how you view the ending of After Story, but Ayu's wish is directly responsible for Kanon's ending is an obvious thing. So I do have to give credit to Kanon for that.

Another thing I do have to give credit to Kanon for is how the male lead deals with it. Yuuichi didn't know Ayu was in a coma at first; he thought her dead. Yet it looked like he was able to move on, after a final goodbye of course. The other two male leads? Eh, they really couldn't. Okazaki fell into a massive depression for five years, and for AIR, well, still not sure what really happened there so...I'll just use Okazaki as comparison. Now, Okazaki did get better once he had found a new person to protect in Ushio. Yuuichi, however, was able to move on after the goodbye from Ayu without a prolonged period of sorrow and despair. Though I guess that might have been due to the fact he got to go through that when he almost froze to death. And I guess since Okazaki had married Nagisa and she died in childbirth, he had a better reason to fall apart; after all, Yuuichi had basically met Ayu as a kid and then again seven years later (which makes the unbreakable love-bond thing kind of weird for me, but it's a romance in an anime so it's excusable). So I'll admit, I think I lost my point now ^_^. Still, I do like that it looked like Yuuichi could move on from Ayu, maybe find someone else...sort of like Okazaki after reuniting with Ushio I guess. Then again, I doubt Okazaki would have gotten remarried so, out of all the Key heroes, I have to give credit to Yuuichi for at least appearing as if he could move on and find happiness without Ayu if needed, even if he still remembered her. This is definitely a section I'd like to have a comment on cause I'm not too sure what I'm trying to say here myself XD.

So final opinion on Kanon? It's in my top 5 animes, maybe number three (Clannad #1 and admittedly Naruto #2 ^_^") over all. It has loveable characters, interesting storylines, and wonderful animation and music. If you like a little more realism in your series, Clannad might be better than Kanon, but if you don't mind Kanon is a good choice to watch. A little weirder than Clannad, but less weird than AIR. The only complaint I have is the well covered "Ayu may not have been best winning girl" issue I've done to death. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the series. So then, let's end this review, and all of the Kanon reviews, with one last final image....

You know I had to do that ^_^

challenge, character, ayu, kanon

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