May 05, 2006 16:56
i went to my local timothys (cause im torontonian re. too snotty to go to tim hortons) settled in and went to read some journal articles.
there was a couple on a frist date of the we met on the net variety sitting next to me
the man was 5ft, the woman 5'8"
the man........ was SO awkward
-incessently listing all the attributes he found admirable in his companion.
-telling her that the 2 hr commute to visit her was TOTALLY manageable.
-telling her he really really liked her
-telling her about how his ex-wife left him
-telling her that he just cant handle to have his heart broken again...
yeah so he goes on and on about how he is scared! (direct quote!) to be hurt again, that he doesnt want his heart broken, and that he survived it once but doubts that he could survive a repeat preformance....
then he went to the washroom
she sat there jaw agape with a vaguely panicked look on her face
he comes back.
awkward silence.
apologizes for being so 'open' with her. apparently he normally isnt like that.
she goes "yeah. uh huh. ok yeah i get it"
he says "its just that i sometimes feel... and then sometimes i... and i just really really like you"
she goes "YEAH OK!"
says "well i think for now we should just take things as they come, stay friends. and if it progresses it progresses"
to which he AGAIN mentions that he is totally ok with the 2 hour commute to come visit her, and that he really likes her and that he will do whatever is neccessary.
and then i left because it was painful to watch, and my lip was quivering with the wish to laugh.
oi vey. and i thought I sucked at dating.