I figured that it's about time...

Aug 01, 2007 22:27

    I haven't posted a real entry in awhile, and there's been a lot of stuff crammed into the last two weeks that needs recounting. I've been getting a crazy lot of hours at the store lately, which means money, which is good. Otherwise, normal day to day routine is pretty much the same. Of course, two weekends ago this crazy little thing called the End of an Era occurred.
    I am, of course, referring to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and all the partying that went along with it. The day of good fortune dawned sunny and beautiful. I woke especially early to ensure that I had ample time to deliver a very mysterious package. I was, if I might say so myself, very stealthy. And then I went to go buy movie tickets just in case, and I stopped off at my mom's store to get coupons. They were selling Time Turners right at Wegmans!! I picked one up, and then headed home. I got all decked out in my Moony shirt, and set out to meet the girls at Barnes and Noble. We found each other and found a good patch of ground to sit on and take pictures and be Marauders. Then Padfoot and Prongs convinced me it would be a good idea to pump up the crowd. Not so much. And then 5 o'clock came, and we got our wristbands, and yay! Then it was time for food! And then Movie 5!!! And we had a grand old time giggling about all the Slupin moments, and being completely seduced by Snape in the Occlumency scene. And overall decided we rather enjoyed the film. And then it was party time!! WHOO!
    Except that most of the party consisted of waiting in line to get back into Barnes and Noble. Not so much fun. But Janman was there! In his "HuffPuff Represent" tee shirt. Which was fairly fantastic. And then we wiled (whiled? I don't know) the hours until midnight, got ridiculously excited, bought our books, and headed home to start reading! Padfoot came over, and we had sandwiches and then just read. And then my parents left at 2 in the morning, and suddenly there was a dog that was overly excited, and then it was 4 AM, and then sleep. And then up again, and then reading, and then Padfoot left for work. And I read. And sobbed. And read some more. And was finished by 5 that evening, completely satisfied, even though I was mourning the loss of some of my favourite characters. Then my aunt and uncle came over to pick my brain about the book (my aunt had bought it simply to read the last couple of chapters and make sure Harry didn't die. She has since read the whole thing, and almost redeemed herself).
    Then a mostly noneventful week passed, and suddenly it was Saturday again, and more fun was planned! I was working, and looked out in the mall to see Andrew lurking there, and thus began Andrew's weekend visit. Laura came and met us at the mall, and we wandered a bit. Then we headed back to my house and loitered in my room until it was time for Andrew and I to get ready to go to the movies, and Laura went home to sleep. Andrew, my mother, and myself met some family members from my dad's side to go see HP5 at the IMAX theater (which was cool, even though the last 20 minutes or so are the only parts in 3D). We went out to Abbot's afterward, and stood around gossiping. Andrew tried to convince me to hot wire a convertible that was parked next to us, but I wasn't swayed. When we got back home, I started to play all the good scenes from Once Upon A Time In Mexico, completely out of order, and Andrew found himself drawn in until he had to watch it straight through. Then it was bed time, and Andrew wasn't actually a hobo.
    The next morning Andrew and I picked up Laura and we all drove out to the Ren Faire! I still loathe CZG 1579...who goes 30 MPH in a 55 zone?!?! Argh. Laura and I were bedecked in Pirates garb, while Andrew went for Monty Python. As soon as we got to the faire, Laura and I decided to have our fortunes done, because, why not? Then we set off looking for Sir Francis Drake, who wasn't actually playing Sir Francis Drake anymore. He kept eluding us. But along the way we did fun things. We shot arrows, and danced at the May Pole, and Laura and Andrew found out that they were not conditioned as children to be assassins. And we ate food, and drank birch beer. Then we spent time talking to Johnny Nash, the Highwayman who was attempting to steal tastes of the drinks of the passerby. Later on, we saw him again and asked him where we might find the Constable (Sir Francis). So informed, we headed off to the Dunke show. We milled around for a bit, didn't see our prey, and began to walk back, disappointed. All of a sudden, Laura grabs me arm and whirls me around - she had seen him. So, we took surreptitious pictures, watched the bit of the show he was in, and moved on to create more havoc. And by more havoc, I mean, ride an elephant. Her name was Judy, and her trainer guy looked like Cotton from PotC. And it was fantastic. Absolutely. Then we got food and headed towards the jousting field. Along the way, I stopped to talk to one of the actors, who was looking rather despondent, holding a very tiny treasure chest. Apparently he had been searching for the treasure of Diminutive Pete, a very successful, if very small, pirate who made a living of sailing on ponds. He had finally found the treasure chest, only to find it empty. Laura and I commented that it was very rude for whoever it was to take the treasure without leaving so much as a note. He agreed. I told him he should attend the joust; it would make him feel better. Yeah, I was kind of hitting on him. Only because he was playing right along. And yes, I know, he IS paid to do that. Whatever. He said that he suspected if he imagined the losing jouster, as he's pummeled into the ground as the man who stole the treasure without leaving a note, he would probably feel better. And then we took our leave, and sat for the joust. I bought cashews from the guy selling nuts. He was making very good nut jokes, and nobody was buying. I felt he ought to get SOME reward. Even if the nuts were like, 5 bucks a bag. Then there was the joust. One of the knights stood on his horse, it was pretty sweet. We went up for the final bit, and took more surreptitious pictures. On our way out to the car, as we were passing all of the cast, Sir Walter Raleigh waggled his eyebrows suggestively at Laura. It was fairly fantastic.
    When we got home, Laura and I introduced Andrew to the wonderful world of Mean Girls. Then Laura left because she had to be at work at 6. And then I pretended to be paying rapt attention to Forrest Gump, when in truth I was falling asleep on the couch. And then I actually went to bed. And the next morning, Andrew headed back home, and then another uneventful day passed. And now I'm back into the day-to-day routine again. And it's like, a month until school starts. The hell, man?
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