Jun 11, 2007 22:27
Padfoot: Gaaaaahd Facebook feeds stalker obsessions
Padfoot: "Oh, you had time to add music to a profile, but not answer my email? FINE"
Erin Schmidtmann: HAHAHA. It's so TRUE
Erin Schmidtmann: It's SOOOO bad.
Padfoot: but you can't really say anything
Padfoot: 'cause
Padfoot: it would mean admitting you're a facebook stalker
Erin Schmidtmann: THen you sound like a needy crazy bitch.
Erin Schmidtmann: Like Cathy.
Padfoot: exactly!
Erin Schmidtmann: And the Jamie's (and fangirls) of the world hate you.
Erin Schmidtmann: And then ---> suck
Padfoot: well, first they love you
Padfoot: then they hate you
Erin Schmidtmann: Well, true.
Padfoot: IT's all "Oh yay, I'm being paid attention to! Feed my ego! Yum.. yum... okay you can back off a little now... wait no I'm not the one who enables you! It's the other way around! OW OW LET ME GO YOU CRAZY WOMAN GAAAAAAAAAH - oh hey there pretty lady! *cheat*"