passing through

Feb 08, 2008 01:12

I think about 2 months between posts is a bit too long, so heres an update of my hectically simple life as an sdsu college student.

The most pressing issue until now has been finding a roommate for Rupen and I. We found one.
I like nick. i think he'd be a good roommate. i am worried about the issue that rupen brought up though. because nick and i are much closer than Rupen is, he is concerned that he and nick wont be on the same wavelength, which i can understand. so the plan is, tomorrow we put the deposit down and for the next week, we get rupen and nick talking to make sure they can be friends and cohesive roommates. i think it'll all be good.

I LOOOve my astronomy class. seriously, i look forward to going to that class. the teacher is awesome, the info were learning is fascinating, even though as an astronomy geek i already know 90% of it. I just love it.

Spencer is the best girlfriend in the history of time. period.
I have barely been able to put down her gift to me since i got it. and every time i pick it up i think of her. Just so much about her continues to impress and comfort me. She is the best.

i am coming home this weekend for a boy scout trip. i am not positive i will be in town in time for lucky stiff so i am not making promises. before i head to Newport i have to go take a tour of my future apartment. could be fun.

is there anyone in Newport going to be bored on the night of winter formal? if so, gimme a ring.

this semester has had its highs and lows so far. its a lot like a standard business cycle, and i think at the moment i am on the up-swing and hoping to make it long term.

well, goodnight yall.

once again, lj is a ghost town for me.

but, i suppose that is the way of things. they grow, they contract, and inevitably perish.
for now, i enjoy returning to this familiar place where i cataloged most of the important and unimportant events of my high school career.

does anybody know what this Sunday is?
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