Title: Stalker (Chapter 10a)
Genre: school life?, angst
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: main = EunHae, KiHae, KyuMin
Summary: *is bored of writing summaries* Kibum has gone on a rampage. This is not good guys.
A/N: Italics = Thoughts
( ) = Narrating
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Comments 11
To be honest guys, I would just get used to really late chapters and really short chapters.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....OOOOOOOOOO.....OOOOOOoooOOooooo......ooooOOOOooooooo.....oooooooooooo.... oooo.....oo.......!
aw,, my love ;________;
same with tewki-unnie,, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooo~~!!"
hey! my love,, I made something for tagging you LOLS
I gave you 'love, kiss, and your face' hahahahahhahahaha
God i missed u!^^
KIBUMM!!!! >:[ I hate itwhen in some stories films and etc. are some people who says that you're gonna expreince how it feels to lose someone. Like dude it's not the same thing when someone dies and cannot be revived when the person just doesn't love you the same way and is with someone else, but you can talk and be with that person. You psychos!! xxxxxxx[[[[[[[[[[[
But yeaah~ Missed u sooo muuch! ^^ Gonna wait patiently for the b part!
finally i have finished reading all the chapters.......
man i totally forgot that this fic existed until i saw you post up awkard and then i read through ur master list and i then remembered ^-^
anyways OMG!
so much has happened........
how could he so easily just go stab someone's mother. even if it was hyukkie's still he should have some conscience
anyways.... he should know that hae and hyuk belong to eachother. so i just hope that he gets found out and goes to jail!
and also......... omg the first time they had sex was naughty~~~ i cant believe they did it in the room right next to hae's parents room >/////< (and hyuk self prepping was yum~)
and also the other smut scene was hot too~~~~ i love slutty!kyumin
anyways........ i hope you update this soon~ it's been a while now ^-^
haha! yeah i know right! its crazy, i just keep getting thoughts and im like "hmmmm totally going in this chappie!" haha
it was very...a.sexy to write it!! haha i can just imagine it now :/!
i will update it soon but ive been obsessed with my newer fic that ive started (its called awk-warrrd, GO READ!!) but i will get around to it babes!
thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
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