#55 London, prompt for productivity100

Nov 11, 2010 01:36

TITLE: Dream a little dream
AUTHOR: whaddyasay
PAIRING/POV: Rob/Kristen
PROMPT: #55 London
SUMMARY: He gets about telling her of his dreams about forever and a day.
DISCLAIMER: These are real people and this story is a work of fiction. Don't own anything.

I know it's long. It's an old story, I don't know why I just got to upload it now. It's probably outdated and all, but whatever. LOL.


Kristen was giggling when he pulls her up towards his parents’ front door, her cheeks flushed pink from the chilly air that was so common of London winters. The keys jingles in his hand and he smiles when she tucks herself to his side, slipping one hand in the back pocket of his jeans and wrapping her other arm around his waist, mooching off his warmth.

“You’re adorably cute when you’re half-drunk and sleepy,” Rob murmurs as he pushes the door open, tugging her inside the house. Kristen scrunches up her nose, burrowing deeper to his side. “Kristen…”

“Sorry,” Kristen mumbles before reluctantly pulling one arm away from him, nudging the front door close with her foot. He helps her out of her thick winter coat (‘I hate winter coats, to be honest.’ ‘You look cute in them. Especially the furry ones.’ ‘Great. I hate them even more now.’), leaving her in her favorite black hoodie before slipping their shoes off. “S’cold.”

“Ah,” he hums quietly in agreement before leaning down, brushing her lips for a quick kiss. “Come on. Let’s see if mum left us something.”

The Pattinson’s kitchen wasn’t perfect but it was warm and homey and cozy. Rob spies two covered mugs sitting on the counter with a note beside it and he shuffles Kristen forward, the two of them looking down at the small piece of paper as if it held the answer to all of life’s questions.


I left two cups of hot cocoa for you and Kristen, I hope it’s still warm by the time you read this. Your father and I have already gone to bed and if the drinks are cold, you could always warm it up. We’ll see you both in the morning.

Good night, loves.


Rob flicks the covers off the mugs, grinning at his girlfriend as he hands one out to her. Tiny tendrils of steam rises from the dark-colored liquid and Kristen smiles back at him, taking a small sip from his mother’s offering.

“We were early tonight,” he whispers, sipping from his own mug as well. “They’re still hot.”

“Mmm,” she nods lightly and her eyes close as she inhales the sweet scent of pure hot cocoa. If she didn’t already love Clare Pattinson as it is, she would’ve hugged the shit lights out of the woman for making cocoa from scratch. It was that good.

Kristen hears Rob chuckle somewhere from her right and she opens her eyes to find him cocking his head towards the door towards the living room.

The fire was still burning brightly and Rob threw in a couple extra logs just as Kristen was walking in, looking curiously at her boyfriend. He was sitting on his father’s enormous armchair right by the fire, stretching out his long legs over an ottoman and his arms wide open for her to come and sit.

“We’re not going to fit in that chair, Rob,” she points out, raising her eyebrows at him. Rob shrugs his shoulders and pats the tiny space beside him, coaxing her to come close.

“It’s fine. You’re tiny. You’ll fit.”

Kristen hesitates briefly before lowering herself on the space beside him, the small piece of cushion just enough for her to sit as long as her legs were resting on top of Rob’s. It wasn’t the most comfortable position but Rob gives up a big chunk of his space for her and she plops down her ass right beside him. He happily smiles and nudges her shoulder before picking up his own drink, gazing down at her.

“Told you you’d fit.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she scrunches up her nose adorably, the way Rob always teases her while nursing the cocoa in her hands. They were both quiet, sipping on their own warm drinks with thoughts between themselves, the fire crackling beside them.

Rob had never been comfortable with extended periods of silence, not until he met Kristen. He always thought a conversation was necessary all the time to keep someone getting bored, but with Kristen, he soon discovered that it was never going to be a problem. Shutting up was preferable on most occasions. It was moments just like these when he appreciated the silence between them.

Setting his now empty mug on the table beside him, he spares a quick glance in Kristen’s direction, his brow furrowing as he watches her teeth clamp lightly against the rim of the ceramic mug. She looked contemplative, like there were a lot of shit going on inside her head, her eyes focused directly on the fire.

“Hey,” he nudges her gently, careful not to spill her drink. “You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Kristen whispers back just as quietly, drinking the last of the cocoa in her cup. The chocolate sticks to her lips and Rob swoops in for a kiss in which she willingly opens up, moaning softly while he licks and sucks the sweet stuff off.

“Yummy,” Rob grins deviously, gently taking the mug away from her hand. “Right. Let up, I’m going to bring these to the kitchen before we break them.”

Kristen smirks as she watches him head towards the kitchen, slipping back to the living room in record time. Rob’s got this funny way of getting excited and he acts like a little kid stuffed full of sugar and it’s terribly amusing she can’t help but love him for it. She laughs as she watches him throw firewood expertly, like he was born doing these rustic, homey little things and Rob narrows his eyes at her when he catches her staring.


“I never thought of you being the wood-chopping rustic kind…”

“What, did you honestly think dad’ll let me chop wood?” He moves the logs with the fire poker and grins at her. “No.”

“I don’t know…” Kristen gestures to his bearded face and his favorite plaid shirt he’s been wearing the entire day. He looks so devastatingly different from the Edward Cullen every girl has been swooning about, but Kristen thinks he looks good any which way. Even if he has hair all over his face. “You’ve got that lumberjack thing going on already. Beard, plaid and all that shit.”

Rob huffs and rolls his eyes good-naturedly, stopping in front of her while staring her down. She had moved to the middle of the huge chair, taking up his space and she grins up at him like a little kid who refuses to listen. He nudges her knee lightly, trying to force her back to her own side so he could sit.

“Kristen… let me sit,” he whines in that five-year-old voice she often teases him about, knocking his leg against her knee. She waves him off.


Rob smirks as he turns his butt in front of Kristen’s face, wiggling it obnoxiously to forcefully move her out and off his space. She snorts and hits his ass lightly, pushing it away from her face.

“All right, jeez,” Kristen giggles, bouncing back on the small space she had tucked herself into when Rob made her sit down earlier. She shifts in her seat and drapes her legs over his own again, jumping slightly when Rob sticks his hand around her hips to turn her body to the side. “What are you doing?”

“Shhh,” Rob skims his hand over the length of her leg, wrapping it around her calves and resting them right beside his hip. Her long legs were draped over his lap and he wraps his free arm around her loosely and Kristen sighs in his embrace, her forehead pressed lightly against his shoulder. “This okay?”


He rubs her jean-covered legs for warmth and Kristen burrows deeper to his side, cuddling up to him like a kid sitting on Santa’s lap. Rob affectionately nuzzles her hair and he continues to run his hands all over, frowning when he reaches her thinly socked chilled feet.

“Jesus. Your feet are so cold,” he mutters lowly, large hands wrapped around her tiny feet. She’s wearing ankle socks in the middle of freezing cold weather and Rob wonders how the hell she survived the day walking around the place.

Kristen shrugs. “It’s winter.” She was wearing Uggs but she highly doubts Rob cares about insulated sheepskin boots. He just thinks they’re ugly.

“I told you to wear thicker socks…”

“Yes dad…” She jokes, but Rob’s mouth is still turned down into a frown. Kristen pulls away and smiles at him lightly. “No, seriously, it’s fine.”

He cocks his head to the side, blinking back at her as if he’s trying to figure out if she’s telling the truth. His hands are still busy rubbing the soles of her feet so he offers to get her socks. He just wants her to feel better. “Do you want me to get a pair upstairs?”

Rob’s propensity to take care of her was terribly endearing, even if it drove Kristen mad most of the time. She was so annoyed the first time Rob tried out this whole caring boyfriend gig, but it was only after dark and they were in bed and his face was buried in her damp hair that he admitted why he was that way. ‘We’re always away from each other all the time,’ he whispered quietly, his fingers drawing lines against the soft skin of her hips, ‘and when we are together, it’s always work. I just… I don’t get to do this a lot.’

So Kristen lets him do his thing and she discovered that she likes it. He’s not terribly overbearing but he is protective, and he mostly gets away with doing little things for her like picking up bags or lending his jacket and kissing her when she’s desperate for his lips. (‘I’m not perfect you know, I can only do so little shit.’)

She’s broken out of her musing when Rob reaches out behind him and pulls out a pretty looking but well-worn soft knitted blanket, covering her legs and tucking it under her feet.

“Is this your excuse to feel me up while we’re sitting here?”

Rob’s eyes sparkles mischievously so he runs his hand on the inner seam of her pants, causing her to slap it away quickly. He laughs and kisses her hair, the thick strands muffling the sounds of his amusement.

“Rob, be nice.”

“I was hoping to be naughty,” he smiles impishly, but he removes his hand and makes a show of placing it on her knees on top of the blanket. “Fine.”

Kristen sighs when Rob tries to tuck her against his shoulder. “You’re really very cuddly and touchy today,” she tells him, her body instinctively curling up against him. His hand automatically circles her waist, his fingers making sweeping motions against her side.

“It’s uh… Christmas?” He defended, waving his hand around the gaily decorated living room of his parent’s house. Rob knows it’s a lame excuse, but he loves touching Kristen and he really likes it when they both get cuddly and huggy. If huggy was even a word.

“Yeah, two days ago,” she snorts, lifting his hand that was resting on her knee. Rob’s fingers are long and the palm of his hand is huge, it covers hers completely when he closes his fist. It’s a strange thing, but Kristen feels really safe in his hands, and she doesn’t just mean metaphorically. She squeezes his fingers and grins at him, placing a gentle kiss on the line of his jaw. “Don’t worry, I like it.”

“Oh thank God,” Rob mutters dryly, squeezing her hand back. “I wouldn’t know what to do if you didn’t like it.”

His sarcasm is shot to hell but at least he tries. Kristen was the one who got that particular skill down pat.

“Thank you Mr. Sarcasm. Your presence is very much welcome here.”

Rob giggles that adorable giggly thing he does that Kristen loves and he tickles her in places, causing her to kick and wheeze and flail about. She was just about ready to hit him on the top of the head when he abruptly stopped, his head dipping down to kiss her with his hands wrapped around her.

“Can I ask you something?” He asks once they’ve managed to unglue their mouths away from each other. “Do you like London?”

Kristen’s brow furrowed in confusion and she stared back at Rob unabashedly, the emotion plain and clear on her face. She’s always told him how much she enjoyed coming over to the country, and now he’s asking if she likes it here? What was going on inside his head?

“What? Of course I like London, I love it. I told you that.”

“No… I meant…” Rob draws tiny circles on her knee and runs his fingers through his hair. Kristen knows he’s nervous, but she has absolutely no idea why. “I’m horrible at this tourist business. I’ve been bringing you to pubs and strange little shops…”

“Your point?”

He shrugs, going back to drawing on her jeans. It wasn’t really a big issue but he thinks he’s doing a really horrible job at being a host. And Kristen was just so, so accommodating when he’s in L.A. “Shouldn’t I be bringing you to touristy places?” He wonders aloud, cocking his head to look at her fully. “Buckingham? Big Ben? London Eye?”

The corners of Kristen’s eyes crinkle in amusement and she scrunches her nose, shaking her head at Rob’s strange thoughts. “Not… really,” she grumbles and narrows her eyes in deep thought. “I’ve been to some of those and besides, I can always just check out the travel books.”

She can always check out those Lonely Planet travel books and Discovery Channel if she wanted to know about those London places, right? And besides, it’s not like they were going to go away. Buckingham Palace has been there for eons and it’s still going to be there when she comes back. And it’s not like Big Ben is going to shrink if she didn’t get to see it today.

Rob laughs and pokes her gently on the side. “I do think it’s a lot different to actually be there.”

“O-kaaaay, fine,” Kristen says, rolling her eyes. It wasn’t that she didn’t care about these places, but she’d much rather spend time with Rob. But for the sake of his sanity, maybe they’ll do it someday. “We’ll do it next time.”

His eyes sparkle when the words tumble out of her mouth and she presses her finger down on his nose. What? Did he actually think she wouldn’t dream of going back to London with him? Silly boy.

“Okay, it’s my turn to ask you something,” she whispers, playing with the zip of his hoodie with her fingers. Rob nods but he stops her for a moment, looking up at the ceiling and back to her. “What?”

“Sure, ask me anything,” he says, tucking a stray lock of hair that was obstructing his view of her eyes. “But… don’t you want to go upstairs? You’re probably tired, but we can talk more in bed.”

“Let’s stay here for a bit. It’s warm.”

He sighs dramatically. “Fine.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

Rob’s brow furrows and he looks at her in confusion. “Like what?” He really wants to know what’s going on inside his girl’s head. “You know most things about me.”

She does know most things about Rob. Not everything, but it sure was a lot. Kristen shrugs and her fingers go back to pulling the zip of his hoodie, the teeth catching against each other every time she pulled. She’s got this little quirks she does when she’s nervous and Rob doesn’t really mind… much.

“I’ve thought about London,” she blurts out after a while, the tops of her cheeks turning into a slight pink.

“Yeah?” Rob whispers back, his hand stilling her fingers from playing with his zipper again. “What about it?”
“I like it here?” It comes out as a question and Kristen bites her lip shyly. “Don’t get me wrong,” she adds, as if she had to somehow convince Rob of this particular decision she had in mind. “I love L.A. and I always will but… ya know… this place isn’t so bad.”

“Wow.” His eyes are wide with amazement and Kristen has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep the huge smile from breaking out. It was so easy to make Rob happy. The idea of living in London still had a lengthy discussion ahead of them but it was enough for Rob to know that his girl was willing to live there. It doesn’t even matter if they only get to stay for a few months.

“Yeah…” Kristen mumbles quietly and she brushes her hand over a bunch of messy curls that have fallen over his forehead. “So tell me something I don’t know.”

Rob’s quiet for a moment and his eyes flicker towards Kristen, before dropping his gaze back to their laps. He’s had a lot of things in his head for a while and he’s never really addressed it outside the confines of his own brain but maybe… maybe Kristen knowing about them first would be a good thing.

“My thoughts are… a lot scarier than that,” he admits, his eyes shifting to the small framed picture of his parent’s wedding on top of the fireplace mantle. “Sort of.”

Kristen is quiet and she’s just looking at him, urging him to continue. It wasn’t like she had anything to say about that confession.

“They’re a bit… big.”

More like enormously huge and life-changing kind of big.

“Like…?” She trails off and Rob picks up her left hand, encasing it in his right with their fingers entwined. His eye flickers quickly to her third finger and even he’s not afraid to admit he’s imagined putting a ring there someday, something he’s worked hard to find for her.

“Like buy a house. Marriage. Babies.”

Rob winces when he realizes he just voiced out his thoughts, of his dreams about being with her for forever and a day. He waits for the panic to set in-because people panic when they talk about the future, right?-but Kristen giggles and he frowns, confusion marring his features.

“I’m not laughing at you,” she says, her fingers smoothing out the worry lines on his forehead. “But why’d the house come first?”

“It’s the easiest out of everything. We pick a house, sign some papers, hand over some money and then you’re done,” Rob says, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He leans his head back against the seat and he smiles lightly at the direction of his girlfriend. “The other things? It takes a lot more. Marriage? I need a ring, something you’d like, something you’d wear and I actually have to propose and wait for you to say yes. And I need to grow up. Learn to be a husband. Love you forever, though I’m pretty sure about that. Figure things out so I don’t fuck up the babies.”

He’s actually got a lot of things cut out for him, and it was true, the house was probably the easiest out of all of them. He can get a realtor and he’d find them a house, but as for the other things? He knows shit about them.

Kristen is quiet but she squeezes his hand carefully before tucking her head right by his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss against the column of his throat. Rob has no idea what’s going on in her head or what the hell she thought about what he just said and he nearly jumps when she calls out his name.



“You know, the idea of having a kid with you is absolutely amazing but…” She pulls her head away and props it against her hand, turning to stare at him. He fidgets.

“Um, but… what?”

Kristen winces and bites her lip, and she scrunches her nose for extra measure. “I really don’t want to have to give birth to a real live Edward Cullen,” she mutters seriously. “Because that shit’s just… freaky.”

And Rob laughs, burying his nose in her messy mass you’d call hair and kisses her temple. Maybe this whole future thing with Kristen won’t be so hard after all.


And, for visual purposes, I haff a picture for y'all. It's imaginary R/K baby. Who will look like Edward Cullen because baby boy has green eyes.

I want y'all to die of cuteness.

Copyright to Dani Brubaker with slight editing by me.

one-shot, productivity100, shipper: rob/kristen, prompt, rpf, challenge

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