Oct 29, 2002 19:34
Well I'm bored and I just got back from going out to eat with my Dad and Tiffany. I needed some good food the food is shitty here. Looks like i'm gonna have to get math tutoring to get me through the quarter. After that I think i'm done...no more math ever for me. I'm thinking of going directly into the art program next quarter...not sure yet...i know i'll tear that mofo up. I'm actually feeling pretty decent right now. I'm pulling out of my latest down rather nicely, starting to regain a positive outlook on things. After our latest debate session in English, I've decided that i don't really like philosophy all that much. Seems like a waste of time to sit around and argue about stuff no one knows the answer too. My roommate is in 100 level philosophy...he's been sitting around the last couple of days trying to prove the existance of god using logical reasoning. Personally, I think there are some things you just have to take on faith. God is too complex to understand and we never will, no matter how hard we try. It's funny, if i really want to I can sit around and think up all kinds of deep philosophical bullshit, whats the meaning of life, what is our purpose, what is God's plan, you know, shit like that. I used to think about that stuff alot, but all it ever did was depress me. I think I'd rather just live life a day at a time and let what happens happen. I'm tired of being sad all the time. I think it's finally time to be happy.
Alright Carrie did this so I guess I will too lol...
10 Facts About Me Not A Whole Lot of People Know
1. I am clinically depressed.
2. I tried to kill myself during my Junior year of high school.
3. I hate the fact that I used to degrade women.
4. Hypochristians really piss me off. (you know, the ones who hate homosexuals, Muslims, Jews, and everyone else different from them but then claim to serve in the name of God)
5. I love animals...cute furry little animals (not in the beastiality sense, you sick freak)
6. When I was little, people used to think I was a girl because my voice was so high.
7. I'm pushing 19 now and I'm still a virgin. This really sucks.
8. When I fall in love with a girl, i don't just fall in love with her body (I was even able to look by Carrie's nice ass and see her beautiful inner person :)
9. I don't like to fail, I just make failing look really good.
10. I think that life is all really one big joke and there are very few people in the world who have a good enough sense of humor to get it.