And everyone goes, "Whaaat!? There's another poster on this comm? We've not seen her post before! Whaaat!?"
See, I was holding out until I had a bigger batch, but already I've made about 30, and if I wanted to wait until I'd made 100, for example, it would take...months.
So I've got:
[18] Star Wars (Princess Leia)
[7] Doctor Who (The Sound of Drums
...and, I know. Some are better than others. I'm still (still!) figuring out how to use textures and make my icons actually look good. And yes, I do know that they're almost all made from the same pictures, used over and over again. I know. It', it's what I do. Everybody's got to start somewhere, right?
Teaser 1Teaser 2Teaser 3
Doctor Who - The Sound of Drums001002003
No icon!No icon! Star Wars - Princess Leia008009010
*Comments make me too happy for words!
*Credit makes my head explode with happiness! (That's a good thing)
*NB: credit
sarahleia, not
whaaat_icons's a joint journal.
*Don't hotlink them!
*These notes ARE fun!
*I'll take any concrit; I'll drink it up and keep it in mind, so don't be shy!