(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 01:52

It's been a while since I posted. Ah LJ..I've missed you this weekend.

Our internet was shut off for a few days. eeep. I feel like I shouldn't be so addicted to it. Oh well.
In place of said internet, I gave myself up to the gaming goddess. She is a harsh mistress. I played Elder Scrolls III all weekend. My character (Hanna) continues to kick ass. I love playing a warrior type character. I can never play magical characters very well. Although once on Neverwinter Nights I played a Druid whose name I believe was Saria. (A nod to my favorite Forest Sage). She was awesome. She could summon a familiar. He was a panther (no Jennifer not a panther lion) named Trogdor. (He was the burninator) She always had some wonky spells that summoned undead or unsummoned them or whatever.

I love it. Also I set up my brothers old computer in my room to play games with. It is a nice machine and had been totally wiped clean so there was nothing on it. Yaye! I put Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic, (a Star Wars game) and the Sims. I put Jim Kirk with tribbles on the Desktop. It is a center of all things geeky.

Ok. Well not much is going on in my life right now. I may get to go out this weekend. Let us hope. It is seriously disturbing how little I get to go out. I guess that is why I am playing all the games. Or maybe it is because I freaking love it...

Something to Ponder?


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