Another meme - because I can

Mar 04, 2004 16:46

Must kill time before I can go home - resorting to the latest meme.

15 Years Ago, I:

1. Was in 6th grade.
2. Had zero friends.
3. Wanted to be a chemist, but didn’t really comprehend what that meant.
4. Bought my first Billy Joel tape.
5. Was an altar boy.

10 Years Ago, I:

1. Wanted to go to the US Naval Academy for college.
2. Had my first crush.
3. Was confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church.
4. Registered to vote.
5. Lost my first close relative.

5 Years Ago, I:

1. Graduated from WPI (barely).
2. Broke up with Jen the first (yay!).
3. Went to my first Intercon (I think).
4. Started taking Tae Kwon Do.
5. Got my first (and thusfar only) car.

3 Years Ago, I:

1. Started running my “Decona” game.
2. Went to Pennsic (I think).
3. Flew to Texas to see EQ friends I’d never met in person.
4. Wanted to move back to Worcester.
5. Started thinking about changing careers.

1 Year Ago, I:

1. Started living with Jen.
2. Stopped participating in the Realms.
3. Lost my job.
4. Almost had my hair to a length I liked.
5. Flew to Detroit to see EQ friends I’d never met in person.

Yesterday, I:

1. Ran the first session of my Ninjas & Superspies/Beyond the Supernatural game.
2. Got home too late.
3. Had dinner bought for me.
4. Re-re-re-re-revised my character for a game that doesn’t start until May/June.
5. Had more work to do than I’ve had at any time previous in this position.

Today, I:

1. Am looking busy while avoiding work.
2. Have a free evening.
3. Re-re-remade a character for a game that may or may not ever run.
4. Do not want to be here (at work) - more than usual.
5. Should do the dishes.

Tomorrow, I:

1. Will prepare my garb and props for playing Thomas for the first time in over a year.
2. Will do laundry.
3. May actually do something with my girlfriend.
4. Will do (some of) the work I should have done today.
5. Will cook a real dinner.

3 Bad Habits I Have

1. Procrastination
2. Overspending
3. Paranoia

Interests at the moment:

1. Sex
2. Gaming
3. Leaving work for the day
4. Becoming a teacher

3 Places I've Lived:

1. Agawam
2. Worcester
3. Beverly

My Top 3 Biggest Worries at the Moment:

1. That I can passed my teaching exam.
2. That I can comprehend my current project at work.
3. That Jen and I can find time to spend together (and mutual interests to pursue in that time).

My Top 5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. Jen.
2. New games in the works.
3. Quiet time to myself.
4. Warm weather (relatively, at least).
5. Friends.
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