Buffy leaned back on the chair and checked her watch, the flight was on schedule and she had the proof Jenny left in the jeep in her jacket pocket, that ring. She had left Wes with Ryanne and tried to focus on the gate but found herself trying to think ahead to the next step.
Giles waited impatiently to leave the plane. Customs had been a nightmare in New York and he and his new wife were tired and worried. "Come on, luv. We'll get this settled."
Willow looked up at him bleary eyed and nodded her head. "Okay. Let's go." she sighed and grabbed her purse and headed off the plane, glad they were home.
Buffy ducked a rabid toddler, reminding her of Ryanne with a smirk and started to watch the departing passengers as she fought a yawn. Going on 72 hours with no sleep was reminding her of her exams with Professor Walsh years before.
Giles followed Willow down the corridor and sighed when he spotted Buffy. She looked exhausted and he knew they didn't look much better. "There, luv. Buffy."
Willow spotted Buffy and smiled a bit, heading over towards her. "Hey. Thanks for meeting us. You look exhausted."
Buffy stood and gave an effortless curtsy. "Your lord and ladyship." She straightened up and yawned before smiling at them both "Between Jenny and Ryanne, constant vigil."
Giles blushed. "I, uh, Willow told you, I see. Not quite Lord yet. What news on Jenny and on Ryanne's injuries?"
Willow giggled. "Stop." she straightened up a little, nodding. "Yeah.. what's up?"
Buffy shook her head. "Jenny's laptop, she was writing letters to the baby and explained about hers. Logical you'd be the same." Her smile faded. "Coffee, then I'll talk."
Giles nodded impatiently, his eyes darkening. "Airport coffee shop? One of those triple whatevers? I'm going to rip... hurt Kris."
Willow slid her free hand into Giles and gave it a squeeze "Come on.. let's go drink coffee and try not to kill anyone till later."
Buffy looked at him. "Listen to the Missus, I'll answer all your questions in a moment."
Ripper nodded, picking up Willow's carry-on bag. "Lead the way."
Willow followed along the way, not saying a word.
Buffy ordered them three of the largest strongest coffees and brought them to the table where they were sitting, taking a sip of hers. "Okay now ask me."
"Ryanne's injuries," Ripper asked softly. "Is she alright?"
Willow sipped at her coffee, just listening for now.
Buffy nodded. "She's stablized. I found your pharmacutical book and did some reading last night. The booze Xander gave her wasnt helping much with the clotting."
Ripper blinked. "Alcohol? It thins the blood and Slayers are sometimes sensitive to alcohol. Doesn't help she's always sneaking it either. Bloody pratt. Jenny?"
Buffy rubbed at her forehead again. "From the little the police told Wes and I, she was on her way out of the medical building and was broadsided. The Jeep's a write off and when we got to see the wreck, we only found this." She reached in her jacket and pulled out the ring.
Giles reached for the ring, his eyes narrowing. "This didn't come off her finger willingly and a thief would have taken it. Bastard. Alright, Will, why do they want her, any idea?"
Willow blinked and looked up. "Um.. because he's pissed off she went with us instead of him? That's my only guess. Either that or he's just an ass"
Buffy shook her head. "There's something else. She didnt go willingly."
Giles sighed and closed his eyes. "Didn't think she did," he said softly. "Alright, she'll most likely be at the complex, shielded and they'll know we're coming."
Willow frowned. "So.. do we have a plan? Or do you just want me to get really angry again?"
Buffy nodded. "The police told me that there was blood in the car, if it is Kris who has her.. we also have to look at her being injured on top of that."
Giles reached for Willow's hand. "I need you rational, luv. I might not be this time. You need to lead us to her, counter the magic and Buffy and I will get her out. With our bonding, they won't be able to block us totally but it might leave you a bit drained."
Willow nodded. "I can be calm. For right now. But if he just.. I mean if he's hurt her, I can't guarantee. But I'll try. But he's going to pay."
Buffy drained her coffee cup. "Okay so then million dollar question.. we go now or .. now?"
Ripper looked up with green eyes. "Now," he nodded and handed the ring to Willow. "They meant this to tell us to stay away. We'll use it to connect easier."
"Now's fine. I'm tired but not too tired I can't kick some butt." Willow giggled.
Buffy blinked at her watcher. "Why am I suddenly praying that baby has her eyes." smiling, she grabbed some of their bags. "Lets go grab your Jenny."
Giles shook his head. "I'm sorry," he said softly, grabbing their bags. "I, uh, slipping a bit. Willow, can you track in a moving car?"
Willow nods her head, getting up and grabbing the rest of the bags. "Yeah. Except you don't want my eyes. If we had a kid it would have multicolored hair and eyes. How weird would that be?"
Buffy glanced at her best friends. "Dont be sorry, just be Giles green eyes and all." she broke out laughing. "Baby Rainbow Bright Giles... nice ring."
Giles looked at his Slayer as if she had lost her mind, probably had, he reflected. They were all too tired. "Let's just do this, please. The compound was an hour outside LA."
Sobering up, Buffy nodded and started stashing the gear in the trunk along with the usual arsenal she kept in her car. "Be direction man and I'll drive."
Willow slid into the backseat so she could have some space to see if she could reach out and find Jenny.
"I was blindfolded the first bit, Willow will have to guide," Giles answered, climbing in the passenger seat. He glanced back at his wife with a frown. Was he right in risking her to try and get Jenny back? He didn't think the gypsies would hurt Jenny or the child. That didn't mean they had the right.
Buffy caught the frown and said nothing, starting the car and remaining silent.
Willow nods a little, closing her eyes. She reaches out, finding it much easier to get through to Jenny now. Though she was still drugged she was at least still alive. It takes her a moment, as they drive, as she lays out the map of where they are. She opens her eyes a few moments later and points Buffy in the right direction.
Kris sat watching Jenny sleep and as she starts to twitch, he raises an eyebrow. "So... they think they've found you." He reaches for her syringe. "Time to cut that off now."
Buffy listened to the instructions Willow gave and drove, remembering Ryanne's plea from the first night to bring Jenny home.
Giles felt Willow's energy and closed his eyes, adding his own to boost hers. "Come on, Rom, reach back," he mumbled.
Willow felt a little bit of a surge as Giles energy connected with hers, enough to reach out to Jenny to try and give her strength.
Kris looked at her and shook his head. "I never thought that I'd say this, but they should have left you there." He slid the injection into an already bruised vein, ignoring that Jenny's eyes were opening.
Buffy turned off on the next cut off and made the next two turns as Willow said. "Now what Will?"
Giles felt Jenny fading and growled. "Bloody bastard, try this on." He closed his eyes and focused, touching the darker side of the gypsy magic Jenny possessed.
Feeling that Giles was going in that direction, she tried to make sure it didn't overwhelm Jenny all at once."Head down until you get a huge oak tree. There's a hidden path there." Willow answers Buffy softly.
Kris batted the disorientation away and smirked. "Does he really know what we're capable of little cousin?" He smirked.. "Do they know what your capable of?"
Buffy nodded. "Fair enough." She glanced at them from the corner of her eye. "Here goes nothing."
Giles felt unfamiliar stirrings along the lines and frowned. "He knows we're there. Something... he's tapped into Jenn."
Willow opened her eyes though she was still connected and looked at Giles "Do you want me to stop?"
Jenny felt her eyes closing but she tried to fight the drugs and his intrusion on her, the drugs keeping her blocked to everything but him.. "Do.. do you Kris?"
Buffy found the path as per Willow's instructions. "Do you remember if he had guards, weapons other than the magics?"
"Yes to guards and weapons, at least on the perimeter," Giles said slowly. "Don't stop, Will. She needs to feel us." He didn't tell Willow he could feel the dark energy
Kris was tapping into. Giles was suddenly very aware that Kris knew his and Willow's weaknesses.
Willow got out of the car, still probing even further and then had an idea. "Buffy, give me your hand. You're a slayer. So is she. She might need to feel another one."
Buffy nodded, sliding her hand into Willow's as she tossed the keys to Giles. "Gear in the black bag."
Watching Jenny fall, Kris smiled. "You think you can block me, such a protective little slayer. Family is everything Jenny, one day you'll understand that."
Giles got the weapons bag out and rummaged through it, selecting a short Russian sword for his belt and a small battle axe. His Slayer did know him. He lifted the bag to follow.
Willow took the energy of the Slayer, through Buffy to channel it into Jenny as they walked up the clearing of the path, trying her best to keep herself from not going over.
Buffy walked with Willow, eyes taking in the location of the guards as they neared the path, watching both of them as well.
Giles growled behind the women, feeling the energy building as they got closer. "They're human but broken bones won't cause me any worry, Buffy."
Jenny kept trying to build up the walls around what little she had left as he went on about family, everything felt like she was under water as she felt Buffy's prescence.
Kris smiled, stroking her hair. "Goodnight Princess." He moved to the window to spot the visitors before calling the guards to take her out the other way.
Willow took a deep breath. "They're moving her. Who's going and who's staying?"
"I'm after her," Giles said quickly. "You deal with the guards and Kris. Yes?"
Buffy shook her head. "Main goal is getting her and us all out in one piece." She glanced at them. "This is your show Giles, you say goes."
Willow nodded and shooed him off. "Yeah. Go get her back. If you need me, tell me."
Kris watched the guards move her and went to go to the front of the compound, ready for the visitors.
Giles circled around, ducking behind some bushes, hoping to cut whoever had Jenny off.
Jenny felt about as weak as a kitten as she fought to open her eyes. "Please dont do this." but the guards didnt listen, moving out for the car as she tried to focus on
why she was feeling Buffy, lowering down the guards hesitantly and trying to fight the drugs.
Buffy glanced at Willow and seemed to be surprised no guards were near them as they came closer to the house. "Will?"
Willow looked over at Buffy and squeezed her hand. "Just try and focus on Jenny and giving her her Slayer strength. I'm not sure I can do both at once but I'll try."
Giles stepped between the guards and the car, axe in sight. "Set her down and back off, mates. I'm not a Slayer and I will kill."
Buffy nodded and kept silent, squeezing hers back in reply as she saw the door open. "I've been expecting you. Come in please." Kris smiled.
Gregory shifted the young woman in his arms and shook his head. "She's not yours, why bother worrying. Move on and we'll forget this happened."
Willow blinked a little. "Come inside? You've got to be joking. Like I can't read exactly what you have in there."
"She's more mine than yours," Ripper growled. "That's my mate and she's carrying my DNA of sorts. She told you all to go to hell. Set her down, now."
Kris smiled. "You want my cousin and she's hurt. I'm not moving her. You want her, come inside."
Jenny whimpered, the drugs were making her seemingly hallucinate as she reached a hand up to rest against his shoulder and scratched him. "Ow you bitch!"
Buffy looked up. "Fair trade, give us Jenn and we'll leave. Say no and well we'll be into the blood and guts round. Either way, we win."
Willow rolled her eyes "You already moved her. But fine. I'll come inside." she looked at Buffy. "Ready?"
Giles grinned and sent energy to Jenny, letting her know he was there. "Set her down now," he felt his eyes shifting even darker.
Buffy nodded. "Whenever you are, lets go see whats in the fun house."
Kris smirked and let them inside.
Jenny opened her eyes to look up and over at him before shaking her head. "Id listen.. but cant stay awake." She crossed her fingers away from their view.
Ripper sighed. "On your head, gentlemen," he said softly and moved into action, slashing first left and then right, hitting one guard across the arm, the second barely touching his ribs and ending up with the blade under the chin of the one holding Jenny. Ripper's eyes were black. "Set her down slowly, mate."
Gregory watched his men fall like dominoes and tightened his hold on Jenny, transfixed on Ripper. "Move away from me and I'll put her down."
Kris watched the girls come inside and looked at Willow. "So, let me guess.. we're going to blow me up like you did Sunnydale yes?"
Willow followed inside, ready for just about anything. She felt Giles go through the change and gasped slightly.
Buffy steadied Willow. "What is it?" She glanced at Kris. "No.. blowing up is messy and needless. Give us Jenny and we'll go."
Ripper pulled out the sword and kept the blade at Gregory's throat as he backed up a step. "Now! Your men are alive. Next round and they won't be and neither will you."
Gregory looked at her and shook his head as he kept walking backwards. "You think I want to go back in there and tell him I gave you HER back?"
Kris shook his head. "Shes gone by now. Call it a day and go home, both of you."
Willow sighed. "No actually she's not. Look. You've got Ripper, and you've got another Slayer AND me very pissed off. You're not gonna win. There's no way."
Ripper's eyes narrowed. "You want zapped with magic, a cracked skull or your hamstrings sliced and cripped for life?"
Buffy nodded and started to come near him. "Hand her over and we'll call it a day."
Jenny shook her head. "Damn it drop me, I'm going to throw up." That did it and down she went as Gregory ran.
Kris shrugged. "If your so sure of yourself, go check and see."
Willow looked over at Buffy. "You want me to go see or you just wanna go crack in his face?"
Giles pulled Jenny into his arms, holding her for a moment. "Not letting you go, luv," he whispered. *Willow, heading to the car with Jenn. Protect and get out here.*
Buffy nodded. "Go check, I wanna play with the new toy a little."
Jenny slumped against him. "So that's what he looks like. Nice eyes England."
Kris smirked and tossed her a sword. "Want to play little girl?" He grabbed his own just in time to have Buffy swing the sword around and clock him with it. "I hate rules."
Willow just nodded and headed back outside to the car, telling Giles she was coming as she headed back down the driveway.
Kris swiped at the blood on his face and shook his head. "Splains why your a slayer." He let the redhead go and started with Buffy.
Ripper kissed her cheek, sword still in hand at the ready. "Just hope you don't see it again, Jenn." He moved around the building towards the car. "Anyone in the way won't like it."
"After this, I think its safe.." She kissed him back before holding her head. "This Kris seems to have cowards on the payroll."
"No explains why I'm leaving you here alone and I'm pretty sure Ripper has left you without men." Buffy lunged at him and headed for the door.
Willow got to the car all safe and sound and smiled. "Good. I didn't have to kick anyone's butt. I'm rather proud of you dear. How are you feeling Jenny? Can I help?"
Ripper nodded and placed the gypsy in the back seat. "Afraid I had to draw blood. Where's Kris and why the hell did he do this?"
Jenny looked at Willow and Giles. "Where's Buffy?"
Kris cut her off. "Oh no you don't. We've just gotten started. Where's your fighting spirit blondie."
Buffy reared her arm back and flung the sword at him. "In the car with my other weapons, my watcher, the witch and your cousin."
"She's inside with Kris. She's kicking his butt as we speak." Willow smiled.
Kris smirked. "Is it genetic that your all trouble makers?" Buffy glared at him and rolled out of the way of his next spell. "No, just you. End it."
Ripper nodded and stood up, unsure whether to go and help his Slayer. He knew if he did, Kris would probably end up dead. "Jenny? Willow?"
Jenny looked at Giles and Willow repeating a Romany word to them. "You both say it and it will take his powers out, drain him like a battery."
Kris lunged at the slayer and pinned her up against the staircase. "Why, when your more fun than my cousin." He went crosseyed as Buffy's knee connected. "Talk is cheap."
Willow smiled. "Thanks Jenny." she waited for Giles and then repeated the word with him.
Buffy headbutted him as he staggered. "Whats wrong, dont like my cologne?" She highkicked him and sent him backwards.
Jenny looked worried and stayed where she was, everything was spinning rather alarmingly.
Willow squeezed his hand. "We'll be okay. I'll keep you in check. Promise." she replied as they headed back up.
Kris growled and swiped at his face. "They've already got HOW many slayers?" He moved to spell at her and found he couldnt. "That BITCH!"
Ripper grinned as he walked in. "Come on, Buffy. We've got what we came for. Kris... you try something like this again and I'll rip your balls off."
Buffy glanced over. "She's okay?" Glancing at Kris once more, she moved to her watchers side and outside to the car.
Kris raised an eyebrow. "Make sure you're not making promises you can't keep Giles." He smirked back at the Watcher.
Willow smiled. "And you didn't even get ME angry. Be lucky. The last guy that did that is now in the hospital."
Ripper walked up to the gypsy and brought the sword pommel up between Kris' legs. "I'm not Giles," he said softly. "You don't want to see me again."
Kris's grin faded into a sneer. "Speaking of hospitals.. you should really take Jennifer... quite the blow she took in the crash. HATE to see anything happen to that baby." He kicked at the sword. "Got that right, get out of my house."
Buffy came to the car and started to check on Jenny, who was fast asleep as she got her buckled into the car. "Glad to see your both in one piece, more than I can say for him."
Willow turned around, grabbing Giles by the hand and followed Buffy to the car. "Yeah let's get her to the hospital. I can't believe he drugged a pregnant lady."
Ripper growled and spun, hitting Kris across the jaw first with his fist and then across the cheek with the sword. "Remember that every time you look in the mirror." He followed Willow.
Kris growled and watched them go.
Buffy watched them come out. "Please tell me you both ended this?" She gestured at the car. "She's out for the count."
Willow nodded. "Yeah.. let's just go and get her to the hospital." she got into the car, moving be beside Jenny. "I'll heal her while we go."
Ripper leaned against the passenger window, suddenly tired. "He's alive and they'll be back. We'll have to watch for them. They want her for some reason," he mumbled.
Buffy shook her head. "Hospital it is and we'll watch for them, dont worry. Wont let anything happen to her Giles." Nodding, she got them out of there.