Jul 29, 2005 22:13
Today I went to the beach with some cool people [[Meg,Kel,Rae,Ryan,Camden,Joey]]
it was pretty sweet
well i was the last one to get there as usual..my mom drives me insane about everyything whut else is new well when i got there we hung out for liek 10 minutes then left for Robert Moses i like that beachh The carride there was long and painful well first of all we were fighting over the ipod well really it was more b vs.g then ryan squeezed my knees really hard it hurt so badd and i laugh when i get hurt i dont cry so i was laughing hysterical && there were tears comin outta my eyes i have bruises on my knees now THANKS RYAN..then we got there.. then we put or stuff down and ran straight into the water it was ICE COLD it was hard to breathe..then we hung out for a while in the water..got bored then got out and layedd around which got boring then since cam was trying to pour sand on me i took his coke bottle [[ full of sand ]] then poured it on his head then i ran full speed onlii to find him right behind me "way to go asthma" then he trew me to the groud and we fought im pretty sure i won then i ran away again then we layed down then me && rae took a walk that was a lott of fun ..i prety much pickedd up every dead jelly fish on the shoreline and when i got back threw it on meg kel ryan && cam that was pretty much the funiiest thing everr then they went to get food except me && rae we took outr towels && sat by the shoreline then i started digging this hole it was pretty kool then Rae started digging on the other side && we made this realy kool tunnell then we showed Meg && Joey && then Ryan had to come && ruin it me && Rae were a lil upset then we went in the water again Joey got out , then a lil while later Rae got out then We all got out for a while && layed on the blanket then someone said lets bury sumone && i was like OHH BURY ME so they did i was a mermaid it was really funny Kel took pics cant wait till i see them x3 then Me, Ryan && cam went back into the water i got out cause it was FREEZING then they said they found "perfect" waves which they did && we were in for about 15 when all of a sudden i stepped on a horseshoe crab i screamed so loud and ryan kept scaring me sayin it was riight behind me then Rae handed me a jelly fish and told me to throw it at cam but then i though of a better idea so i stuck it in his boxers then i ran he threw me down and was lie whut was that && i was laughing hysterical we body surfed and got out and then finally went home
all in all it was so greatt
gona miss u guys when i go away x3 luv yahh