
Jul 08, 2004 11:41

strangest quiz everrr.. st0len fr0m mi daughter lauren ! much <3 ;]

The Randomest Survey Ever.Yay.(with a slice of onion pie)

,.;:* FOOD *:;.,

Do you chew your pudding?: s0metimes
Explain your answer.: well.. sumtimes its crunchy 0r im just b0ored s0o it needs to0 be chewed..

Have you ever consumed a shoe?: well never a wh0le 0ne
If you were to, would it be the left or the right one?Why?: left 0ne because im a righty and left is gaYy ;]

Do you eat soup or drink it?: eat it and then drink wats left

Where do waffles come from?: d0ugh ?

Do you like peaches and mustard?: i<33 peaches !! but mustard is disgusting.. and f0od with "tard" in it is dumb

What's your favorite jolly rancher?: cheRry

Would you drink a glassful of someone's snot for a thousand dollars?: pr0bably.. mm0re likely if it was mine th0

Other random questions

What do you think "PFCHA" means?: Preminiti0us fat chicken have apr0ns

Define "painful lettuce" in your own words...be creative!: uhm.. lettuse that hurts y0u ?.. mayb if it was so 0ld n crusty that it like cut ur hand 0r sumthing ??

Do you have a spork fetish?: n0o but i have a big 0ne and a little 0ne in mi silverware drawer ;]

Can you lick your elbow?: n0t like the tip ? but like the side hell yeahh niGga.. ;]

Can I lick your elbow?: well... i suPp0se

Are you wearing your underwear today?: n0o actually.. im wearing amy's.. haha

If so, what color are they?: white with teal and green stars 0n them fr0m the gap

Have you ever shaved your big toe?: 0nli when it wants t0o be shavesd..

Do you have issues?: s0meitmes..

Create an acronym for you initials.: wats a acr0nym ?

How many flies do you kill on average per day?: uhm flies are gr0sS

Why is the grass always greener on the other side?: well mayb becuase the lighht is shining like cl0ser t0o it and it seems greener but its pr0bably the same

Have you ever glued quarters to the floor of the mall?: hahahaha mayybbb ;]

If not, would it entertain you?: uhm duhh.. it d0esnt tkae much t0o entertain mee

Do you like the smell of hermit crab food?: n0o.. ?

What was the last thing you said to your grandmother's daughter's child?: she lives in far away parts 0f nj.. and her and mi uncle g0t div0rced.. s0o.. i d0nt remmebr

Descrive the flavor of shaving cream.: its like salt and puffy stuff

Describe the flavor of whipped cream.: like a cl0ud and sugar 0n it

Now describe them mixed together!: like saltty and sugary puffy stuff

meow?!: uhm.. cats are disgustuing

How was your day?: tiiring =P

Have you ever tasted snake poo?: n0o snakes are disgutsing

What does a crab fart sound like?: like a bubble.. in the waterr

Mary had a little ______ (finish the sentence): sheep

What do you feed your pet leprechaun?: green stuff and g0ld

Name three other ways you can use a hair dryer other than drying things.: t0o sh0ot at ur d0g s0o it freaks 0ut.. t0o burn pe0ple when they ann0-y y0u.. and t0o bl0w dust 9ff stuff

Do you put on the left or the righ sock first?: right

Are you a cat person?: EW FREAKK !!

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?: well.. pr0ably 2o l0gs a aday

Where do babies come from?: m0m & dad

***When was the last time you...***

messed with your hair?: well i just bl0w dryed and straightened it..

used the bathroom?: at like 10:40

hugged a llama?: kindergarten trip t0o the z0o..

Flung apple sauce at an old man and licked him clean?: eww.. 0ld men arent clean

Set your alarm clock?: the 0ther daYy..f0r tannign

Fed your fish? (dont even tell me you dont have a nemo): i <33 nem0 !! ..

**More randomness**

Have you ever assualted someone with a zipper?: s0metimes..

A cucumber?: wat ab0ut it.. its cuute if that wat ur askign ?

Do you like cherries?: mmhmm

Are you perfect?: s0metimes.. haha.. nahh..

Are you a male or female?: girl

Check. Now tell me if you are male or female.: uhm girl ?

What is your favorite thing to lick?: well.. anything that tastes g0od ?

Have you ever tickled a goldfish?: s0metimes

Do you have crotch worms?: wat is a cr0thc w0rm ?

Have you ever had crotch worm cake?: i d0nt kn0e wat the fuck it is !!!

Would you like to?: OMG !!!!!

What would you do if....

You were being chased by a swarm of purple wasps?: uhnm im allergic t0o bees.. i w0uld pr0ably die..

you wore a suit made of 100 dollar bills to the ghetto?: i w0uld stay in mi car and then g0-o sh0pping..

there was a dragon in your basement?: id invite shrek t0o save mee

you found a worm in your apple?: squish it !

you found half a worm in your apple?: uhm.. spit 0ut watever was in mi m90uth?

all the squirrels in the world died?: aWw they are cuute ;[

The one you love most was gone?: NO WAY HOSAY !! ;[

There were no more oreos?: i w0uld eventually m0ve 0n with mi life after 0re0s ;[

someone offered you a boxful of dead mice?: eWw thats disgutsuign !@!

You were given three days to live?: d0o / say anythign ive always wanted.. and spend it with wh0 i l0ved ;]

You could travel through time?: id g0o t0o like the 18o0's becuase theuir cl0tes were s0o c0ol..

you had x-ray vision?: n0ttt l0ok at pe0ple naked ! ;[

What flavor are you?: strawbeRry..

Describe this quiz as a flavor.: s0ur aPple..

kaii.. n0w im d0ne bitch..

ARGHH!! 0kay i tried t0o LJ cut it.. but it didnt w0rk ;[ 
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