Jun 10, 2004 13:18
i t0ok s0me quiZzes n basically [ results ]--> im sensitive.. me n t0mmys relati0nship will last a LONG time [ yeahh man! ].. i am big black b0ots << EWW!!... n i am watermel0n lipgl0sS ;] haha <33
n0w im REALLY bo0red bc n0 0nes h0me ffr0m sch0ol yet n blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyy
im watching shrek and i <333333333 this part.. the muffin man ? THE MUFFiN MAN ?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D hahaaha h0llerr if u l0ve that part t0o.. 0r say
what part is ..