christmas break

Jan 03, 2006 18:08

its 6:08 AM and i cant go to sleep. i woke up at 9 yesterday. im hope first day back from the break isnt gonna be hard cause im gonna be tired. at least ill be able to sleep in jennings. i should have a an easy day tommorrow except for 1st period since its an ap history class. i was also supposed to have read a book over the break. i didnt. not even a little, not one page. and i dont really have any regrets about it because the book sounded sucky and i would probably get better understanding of it if i read the sparknotes anyways.i had a lot of fun lanning this break, leme see i went to 5 lans this break 2 of which were just me and scott so i guess i should just call those mini lans, so to sum that up lans are awesome, i always enjoy then not just because of the massive amounts of gaming but because i get to hang out with all my friends that have graduated and dont get to hang out with anymore. i also went to a couple of movies, one with my family and one with miss black. oh yeah i forgot about the secret santa party at kellies, um well i got lindsay for my secret santa and i got her 20 bucks in candy, jett got me and he got me a poster of death riding a decomposing horse, i put it up on the wall right next to me weasle picture and viking hat. for christmas i ordered a bunch of computer parts that got here before christmas so i didnt get to open anythign on christmas but it still was a fun day. i got my sisters all scarves hats and gloves since its supposedly cold in tulsa. all three of them pitched in to get me a stuffed squirrel. its sitting next to my dragon action figure above my monitor now. in other news: school sucks. here is my sucky schedule for this new semester, meyebe youll get to have a clas with me, if your lucky.
1a: clark ap history
2a: bradford band
3a: jennings physics
4a: solis jazz band
5b: clark again ap english
6b: bradford band
7b: murphey alg 2
8b: hoops spanish
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