Jan 14, 2005 11:08
Right all these next few are backdated mainly because of stupid exams and my being asleep.
First off, I have applied to six Uni’s, Aber, Nottingham Trent, Portsmouth, Bournemouth, London Met and Herts Uni. I only applied to Herts to placate my mother, but at the rate my exams are going it will probably turn out to be my only choice. I am applying to do Law at all but with criminology at one.
Right so we are on Wednesday, the exam starts at 9, I wake up at ten to nine, oh oh oh my genius I am. Make my gran drive me in and we get to the bus station at nine, which is only just over 800m away. The pure advantage of being a middle distance middle runner, in just under three minutes I was there, I was quite proud as I stopped running over three years ago!!! So yep was a tiny bit late but thankfully I only missed out on the leture on using the right pen colour and where the fire escapes were. The question was on the rise of the Nazis and for some unknown reason this seem to centre majorly on the Nazi relationship with farmers which I knew very little about so I am not holding out to much hope for that one.
Spent the rest of the day arseing around college, went to see Simon in the evening. And started to put into practice my New Years Eve resolution to randomly compliment people, it was actually very nice.
Thursday couldn’t be bothered to go in in the morning so went in the afternoon for my Law exam. I didn’t really need to re-sit the paper for my overall grade but on this paper I got a D. I wrote 10 pages, I had to ask for extra pages which always makes me feel better, though the stupid women was so busy reading her book she didn’t notice my hand in the air made me cross. So yep feel that I have done better than I did last year but not as well I needed to do to get the A grade I want.
Then on to Friday, you may have notice from this journal that I am particularly unsociable, so imagine my surprise when I see my timetable for the next few weeks.
19th - I am off to the Soho Bar again for some pure funness, and to mess about with Bean and Tall Dave if he turns up.
22nd - It’s Tasha’s 18th Party. Tasha is probably my bestest friend and so I have to go, but it is Gilly’s birthday that day too. He asked my to the pub for his 18th celebration, I know if I go I would be ridiculously nervous and know no-one apart from Gilly but I still kind of want to go but I shan’t, I shall go to Tasha’s keep Tall Dave company bond with Ginger Ben and Bean and get Ruza drunk.
25th - it’s Blaithin’s 18th at Baileys Bar, hopefully Tasha may keep me company and Lisa is there to make sure we get back somehow.
28th - I will have finished my exams for this term and so am off to celebrate, going to a friends for the weekend, to get most probably drunk.
4th Feb - back to hemel to pack ready for my holiday
12th - off on holiday if all goes to plan don’t know where to but hopefully it shall be Greece. At that will satiate me of classics and not piss me off that I am not studying it at Uni.