Apr 02, 2010 20:26
Hi all! I'll be attending the UVa PhD Lit. program this coming fall, and was hoping to gain some insight into the foreign language requirement. I have some months to try to regain some of the Latin and/or Spanish that has all but evaporated now, and am wondering what the most expedient way to do that would be. I think I'll be aiming for UVa's "proficiency" in two languages, which entails a 90 minute translation test. Does anyone know what kind of grasp of the language you need, when the tests are taken, whether you test out of both languages at once? It's been awhile since my college Latin (4 semesters) and high school Spanish (2 years), so retention is close to nil. Would it be worthwhile to sink the money into a summer course or two at the local college? (In the case of Spanish, I'd imagine all the conversation components would be kind of superfluous?) Or is self-study sufficient--and if so, has anyone had luck with particular strategies, textbooks, etc.?
Many thanks in advance for any advice; I feel a little intimidated by the prospect of getting up to speed on language while in the program and hope to do whatever I can beforehand.