I considered trying to write something in here every day in 2007 - given that this is my first entry of the year, good thing I didn't make it a resolution. I didn't make anything as concrete as actual resolutions, mostly because its all the same stuff as has been swirling around in my head for at least six months.
Going to gym - first trip since Boxing Day this weekend - need to get back into going regularly now I am over the cold properly, and have stopped being lazy/headachey like last week. Yesterday felt good, so back to 3 times a week it is - tuesday night, thursday night, one trip at the weekend.
Food - ate and snacked my way through the holidays. Doing much better now all that is eaten, and no new snacks getting purchased (though there is a cheesecake lurking in the freezer - maybe that should be eaten with people round for films next weekend). Z bought Dan a cookbook for Christmas, and he made a goulash at the weekend which was very nice, so hopefully there will some movement on the often stated resolution around here to eat a wider variety of things. Dan keeps telling me if I think of stuff he will try to cook it, but I'm a bit crap - will sit and peruse the recipe book this week.
Getting a permanent job - still feeling hugely underwhelmed by this as a concept, given that I have no great enthusiasm for what I do, and really any other job I get is bound to be rather more demanding than this one. All the PA type adverts I get from the places I'm signed up to on the internet go on about being in pressurised, busy environments and that I really don't need/not sure I could deal with . And the other adverts tend to be for experienced legal or medical secretaries. I also don't have any sort of RSA qualification to stick on applications, and lots of things ask for that (I can't even work out how to get one, if I really want one etc etc)
Getting onto sensible financial footing - rather bound up with the job thing, though I'm sure there are things we could to to make more sensible use of our money. Vague thoughts of dealing with pensions, any chance of being able to buy a house... I don't know what to do, and to be honest the whole thing alarms me. Dan feels much the same way, and so nothing gets done. Um. Thoughts on this hang around my brain, and have done for several years without any progress due to my being loony then temping situation. Should stop making excuses and just sort something, but this one less likely to get sorted than anything else on the list.
Speaking of finances, we bought a new telly at the weekend. Dan has been talking of replacing the current one for about 3 years (its has a discoloured spot on the screen, a small crack, and the sound cuts out for a second at random points - but really it works fine), and I've been saying no we couldn't possibly. On the 1st, the telly decided to have a wee fit to itself, and wouldn't stay on the right input for the cable box. Damn we said, and started scouring the web for a new one - and despite the fact that once it had been off for a few hours it was fine, and didn't do it again all week, the decision was now made. Dan joined Which?, looked at several million things, and generally dithered like a trouper. So on Saturday afternoon we went out, and I made us buy one in Richer Sounds to get the decision made. Its a 32in LCD, and looks massive in our lounge, and is rather shiny and clever compared to the old one. The different picture quality will take a wee bit of getting used to, but the lack of sound blips is great. In celebration, Saturday night was spent watching Millers Crossing, which is ace and I can't believe I'd never seen it before (this weekend also watched The Thin Red Line, Life of Brian, and most of Hulk when we stumbled upon it last night).
So, anyone want a widescreen 24in CRT telly, in mostly working order? You'll have to be able to come and collect it, and its really rather large.
Also, any suggestions for good recipe books, involving nice things we might actually want to cook? We have tried to shop for them in the past, and been defeated by choice! A good veggie and good more general book would be really handy, and there are Christmas book tokens to be spent.