Oct 06, 2006 12:49
Dan was feeling a bit down yesterday, so I though spending the evening actually in the same room would be good. We started watching Angel S1 a couple of weeks ago, and have got rather further in than the usual abortive attempts at re-watching Whedon shows (we don't really watch telly regularly enough at the moment to keep up with stuff actually being broadcast, never mind repeats). Unfortunately perhaps for the reasons for watching telly, we had got to the point where last nights episodes were The Batchelor Party (silly), then I Will Remember You (*sniff*) and Hero (*sobs repeatedly*).
Carlos Jackott was in the first episode of the night - he is the man who has appeared in all of the Whedonverse shows, and always played someone who turns out to be a bad guy. This is confusing me while watching Studio 60, where though Ricky and Ron are being painted against our main writers, I suspect Ron is not going to turn out to be demon any time soon. Rather enjoying the programme, though Dan tells me the ratings are not going so well as the show within the show, so I shall try not to get too attached before they drag it off air.
Whedon comparisons were also coming into play watching the first episode of Veronica Mars S3, perhaps unavoidably given that is the set up episode for a show translating itself from school to college. I was rather hoping someone's roommate would turn out to be a demon, but it looks like I'm on a hiding to nothing. Perhaps it should go all out Buffy - Mac gets magical and gay and Keith gets to mooch around off campus and have lots of sex, although i'm not sure Wallace will be up for going into construction. Anyway, first episode was rather good and I am pleased.
EDIT: Dan, had any luck locating Sopranos torrents that actually work?
studio 60,
veronica mars,