I've got this friend. He's not exactly a luthier, but he's a guitar tech, and knows a lot of guitar people, all over the country, and the world. He posted the gruesome pics of my poor guitar to an industry forum he's a regular on, asking in general about who knew what, and whether it could be repaired/restored. The general consensus was a somber not very likely. But within just a handful of posts, he'd told them of his high regard for me and my playing, and my tight budget, and before he and I knew what hit us, his freinds & associates were sending money to him to help out. In two days, TWO DAYS! there was enough to cover a fine guitar (with internal pre-amp,) a hardshell case, a tuner, spare strings, a cloth-bound audio cord, and a fistful of new picks. (We had expected the folks at Guitarville to give us a decent deal, but when they heard about the fire, they were more than eager to make my musical life come together fast, cheap, AND fabulous.
So... this post is coming to you from the proud owner of a brand new, GORGEOUS Dean Exotica Dao. Dao is a darkly golden, (reminiscent of tiger's eye stones,) asian exotic hardwood which is lighter than, but seems to easily rival pure rosewood in tone.
It looks like this:
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