Random posts from the right side of the country

Dec 21, 2008 16:40

1) One week of vacation down, one to go. We have had a great week in NY. We went to the Statue of Liberty, which Ben loved, and to the tree a Rockefeller Center, which amazed him. Ben got to play in snow for the first time, which was really fun to see. He had a blast. We are off to NJ and DE this week before returning to CA on Friday.

2) Ian and I saw Seven Pounds last night. Great movie. I cried like a baby!! Will Smith is so incredible.

3) I have been eating my way through the state of NY...and loving every bite. However, NYC law mandates that all places that sell food post the calories. That kind of sucks if you don't want to know what you are eating. Last stop to complete my culinary journey, Katz's Deli on Friday!!

4) I am half way through with my pregnancy, 20 weeks. I feel the baby move a lot now, and forgot how cool that is. I can't wait until 12/29 to hopefully find out what it is. I have been having urinary tract issues, although my cultures come out negative?!? I am still having pain so the doctor gave me a medicine to numb the lining of the bladder and the tract so if it is irritated, it can heal. The medicine makes my pee turn bright orange, which was freaky the first time but now is just pretty funny.

5) Happy Hanukkah to all!! Merry Christmas, 4 days removed.
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