Oct 08, 2007 11:07
I really do hate it.
I am very stressed at the moment. I can't believe how much my life has changed since I got that car. It really is unbelievable, I was right to be so pissy about failing my tests all those times. So I'm doing loads, loads LOADS more stuff at the moment. It never ends. I am glad in a way that I'm getting on with my life and that I have hardly any time to be bored, but I also find on the other hand that I spend most of my time stressed and fatigued. I always seem to be behind that wheel or sat at a desk.
So last week, when I went to London to do what turned out to be a one day shoot, the proverbial biscuit was taken.
I had planned a 3 hour journey which turned out to be 4 hours. (The way back was five, choked as the motorway was with accidents and the inevitable tailbacks) As a result I ended up going rather fast and now I am so worried that I'm going to get a speeding ticket or two - I only get two chances and then they take my licence away from me. I bloody need that licence. I don't know what I'm gonna do without it. I can't really do any running work so all the stuff I've been doing recently will be to total waste. I won't be able to get that new job I've applied for and I can't really go anywhere for airsofting or anything like that on my own.
On top of this I'm moving house, and so I have all these other considerations to make - I've got to get the net in there etc. and the other day I thought the locks had jammed but I managed to get it sorted and now I'm moving my stuff across gradually. Thats some relief at least- that it's not another frantic operation.
The only concellation is that stuff with women is fine, though it seems irrelevant like everyone else in the face of my licence. Not that it is. I'd probably feel like topping myself if I had all that stuff to deal with and no girlies to garner affection from.
Anyway I hope I'm just being melodramatic about all this. I really do. I hope once the move is all over that things calm down and I can start being mr. cheerful again.
In other news while in London, I met the legend himself, Jamie Oliver. Picture is on my phone.